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Updates on the Gog and Magog war of Ezekiel 38 and 39 part one Q and A

Q:  Who is Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38:1 and Revelation 20:7?

A:   According to Jimmy Evan's pod caster of Tipping point's You Tube's
       video, both could pertain to Satan.

Q:  Does the Gog and Magog war occur at about the same time of the rapture?

A:  We could go through it, He believes, but I disagree because it mentions 
      similar tribulation's symptoms.  There have been numerous dreams and
      visions about the missiles coming down to earth, while the saints are also
      being raptured.  It takes Israel seven months to clean up the mess and
      seven years to bury the dead. I believe we could be here during the begin
      ning part of it, and the seven nations mentioned are already gathered to
      gether against Israel and are currently allies. 

A:  Russia and it's allies are already gathered on the Syrian side of the Golan
      Heights side of the mountains of Israel.  Just exactly where the book of
      Ezekiel mentions they will be. 

Q:  What is the hook in the jaw that GOD uses to draw Russia from the north
      parts to the mountains of Israel?

A:  Israel's natural gas resources.  Currently Russia is the chief supplier of it
      to the European nations but Israel wants to build a pipe line into Europe
      and become it's supplier instead of Russia.

Q:  What is the hook in the jaw of Russia's chief ally Iran?

A:  Iran wants control over the city of Jerusalem and to destroy the
      nation of Israel.

Q:  Are those provinces underneath Russia, formally part of the USSR
      Muslim nations and does Russia want to incorporate them again?

A:   Yes, they are all Muslim nations.

Q:   Will Russia regain eastern European nations, that are currently 

A:   There is a chance that they could regain their lost territory and they have
      their lascivious eyes cast upon western European nations and the elimina
      tion of the NATO allegiance both spear headed and founded by the USA 
     as allied nations against the Soviet Union.   

Q:  Will Russia overtake the European nations and the middle eastern nations
      that were part of the ten toes' off shoots of the ancient Roman empire?

A:  Russia most likely already has control over those middle eastern nations,
      or very soon will have? We watch, wait and observe.

A:  Some biblical scholars think those ten nations are all part of the European
      Union's and the anti-Christ's system's main regional power base.

Roxanne Lea Dubarry

Copyright © Roxanne Dubarry


Book: Shattered Sighs