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That Was Then - This Is Now

“Freedom is just another word for nothin left to lose.
Feeling good was easy Lord, when he sang the blues” ~ Janis Joplin ~

    Life was filled with laughter.
      A feeling of happy ever after.
       We knew each other so well.
        Walking on air, a magic spell.
         Nothing better than my hand in yours.
          We even enjoyed doing chores.
            You called me your own sweet pea.
             No more joyful woman there could ever be.
              People would stare as we walked down the street.
               A more in love couple they couldn’t meet.
                I trusted you with my life.
                 Tears of joy the day you asked me to be your wife.
                   We were going to be a family.
                    How proud we would be.
                     My heart would take flight.
                       At the wonderful sight,
                        Of you coming through the door,
                         Arms laden with roses galore.
                           I knew nothing could be better some how,
                             But that was then and this is now.
                            Life turned grey and filled with fears,
                           You couldn’t be with me to wipe my tears.
                          The sun still shines inside these prison walls.
                         You don’t hear when my lonely heart calls.
                        The sun here is a prisoner too,
                      And I can think of nothing but missing you.
                     Now I face each day alone,
                   And saddest of all is waking up on my own.
                   Chilled by the harsh steel of these prison bars.
                  No windows to seek countenance from the stars.
                 You can’t bring me roses, they won’t survive.
                I sometimes feel that I am no longer alive.
              You have lost your own true sweet pea.
             No more hope of us having a family.
            Cause that was then and this is now.
          One mistake changed it all some how.
        I don’t see beyond all the tears.
      Your wife to be, will be here for years.
     Freedom is gone and I carry on.
    Wings clipped like a flightless swan.
   Some days I see the sun’s bright hue.
  But the sun in here is a prisoner too.

Copyright © Speaks Volumes


Book: Shattered Sighs