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In the vast ocean of my thoughts, I try, I swear I try

In the vast ocean of my thoughts, I try, I swear I try,
To open my soul like a nocturnal flower,
To become that companion you can easily find in the night.
But often my ears are burdened by the harsh chime of time,
I see Time, a pilgrim smiling deceitfully behind me,
Whispering with irony that the hours are ruthlessly slipping away.
How can I heal when my wounds hide in the veils of shadows?
My trust falters with every fragment of human contact,
Every glance, a spark that extinguishes the light of hope.
I wish, more than anything, to have the courage to love again,
To be a pillar of love, unwavering in the face of storms.
But my scars are arrows of darkness,
Pulling me back, reminding me of every pain lived,
Not once, nor twice, but over and over, an infinite refrain of suffering.
My sky is perpetually gray, a palette of melancholy,
But when I see you, I feel a lost rainbow,
All the colors unknown to me dance in your gaze.
When clouds darken the sky, and shadows fall,
I hold your hand, letting myself be guided by your light,
But if you ever find my steps too heavy...
In the flow of consciousness, I transform into a pilgrim of dreams,
Where thoughts flow like cosmic rivers through my inner universe,
Every idea a star illuminated by mystery, blessed by the divine sign,
My thinking traverses the cosmic fabric, filling the voids with eternal light.
Those who love us only with their minds, look at the stars from a distance,
Discovering the constellations without feeling their transcendent warmth,
Not hearing the songs of the spheres, not touching the vibration of infinity
As it passes through the marrow, burns in the heart, and bleeds through the spirit.
But there are sages who live their thoughts with their entire essence,
With blood flowing like a sacred river of divine inspiration,
With the marrow of bones carrying the eternal memories of the cosmos,
With hearts beating in secret rhythms, like the drum of eternity.
They live in perfect balance between thought and feeling,
Fissures of gold sculpted in their being, each breath a living incantation,
Their bodies becoming temples of knowledge, blossoming in flames of wisdom.
This mystical alchemy between mind, body, and soul,
Transcends the limits of reason, nourishing the fullness of being,
Every thought transforming into an incantation, every emotion a cosmic call,
An eternal vision, floating on the wings of infinity.
In the flow of their mystical consciousness,
Thoughts transform into constellations that illuminate the soul,
A map of the inner cosmos where everything is interconnected,
A golden thread passing through the labyrinth of life, guiding us to the ultimate truth.
And so, in this inner symphony of life and knowledge,
Their thoughts and feelings intertwine in a sacred dance,
Like immortal poets, writing on the parchment of the cosmos,
With the ink of their blood and the breath of the infinite spirit,
In an eternal dance of the divine and the mystery that embraces us,
Carrying us ever deeper into the bosom of immortal truth.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Reflection on the Important Things