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Can anyone really be SILENT?
Amidst the CHAOS of life...
That's a disparity;
Answered by a voice at a corner in my head
While I ponder and wonder
Over all life's Experiences,
Yes whispered Softly...
By another in a corner, my mind;
Silent is calm and calmness
Gives clarity to act
Reactions are not solutions 
For every situations.
I'm healing from the wounds
The pains of elevation and others imputed.
Right in a corner of the Gutter of Vengeance
With thunderous slumber from hurts 
And storms of hunger gaining power
Over my peace of mind without 
JUSTICE just like dirt's 
In a dumpster that lost it's cover.
Still pondering and wandering Over, 
The unspeakable violence in me. 
Vengeance is of the most high
Whispered from another corner
By other comer another voice, 
My Heart, saying;
Justice is not free 
You have to pay for it... 
The guilty becomes BITTER 
And the innocent feels BETTER.
Don't be in a haste to act when anger
Or eager to feed your emotions
For it's danger, my BODY.

Copyright © Desire Obaroyeregbe Agbeyiwa Ikoyo


Book: Shattered Sighs