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Dark Eclipse Takes the Kitty Fall

It was strange
the cars, 
like stand alones, all unoccupied,
dotting the dark wet stained streets,
the moon licking puddles 
like a stray dog thirsty 
checking its reflection 
for a friend, yet no master -
It was strange
the cars, 
like stand alones, all unoccupied,
dotting the dark wet stained streets,
alarms blaring, as if in warning 
stay inside, stay inside, stay inside,
draw your blinds
light your holy candles 
demons, like poets 
surround us,
annoint your foreheads 
with ash
holy oils, 
by your bedsides
and recite 
what you recall,
those poems in prayers 
if at all, 
repeat them 
3 times,
light your holy candles 
demons, like poets 
surround us,
annoint your foreheads 
with ash
holy oils,
the 1 carrying 
the collection plate
like dogwood 
has come to call,
and that 1 
be assured, 
will take all 
like cards
for the kitty, 
come the final call

and - well,

we’re on the other side 
of the mirror
watching you all 

dark matters
from bad unions
Suns and Moons

lost brides and 
their wayward husbands
locked in their glass menageries 

those crystal bardo cages, 
intangible shadows
haunting like all hallows 

watching you 
for all eternities 
taking the kitty fall

Candide Diderot. ‘24 

“I didn't go to the moon, I went much further - for time is the longest distance between places…”

“The light bulb consumes itself as it gives light, doesn't it? 

“Glass breaks so easily. No matter how careful you are.”

“Delusion sets them (people with charm) apart - it keeps them from understanding that the world is a big, dangerous place.”

“For nowadays the world is lit by lightning! Blow out your candles, Laura - and so, goodbye... “

“We have to have some entertainment in this house.”

"The Glass Menagerie"/Tennessee Williams (1944)

“It was a ballad I wrote which I called it ‘my wolf howling across the sea’. The time I was thinking about the moon, when you’re in one continent or one piece of land that when you see the moon it might be a different time as someone else is seeing it. I thought that if you could just send a message on the moon, someone else might see the moon and receive the message. You know, the idea of cycles and how we’re all connected but separate.”  “Moon and Moon” (2 Suns)/Bat for Lashes (2009)

Copyright © Candide Diderot


Book: Shattered Sighs