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The Bun Fight at The OK Carrol

The Earp brothers all gathered, and stood in a row with their own large tashes
Along with Doc Holliday, thought they would give the cowboys a good bashing

Doc Holliday, under the cover of his coat; was loaded with cream buns in hand
Virgil after a quick slurp of his bun got the first shot in on Billie’s chest did land

Two buns in hand, Doc Holliday, then brought good looker, Tom McLaury down
Once down young Tom McLaury was as never again to rise up from the ground

Wyatt Earp, who owned between all the Earp brothers the bigger of the tashes
Tombstone rumour had it; it was only there to cover up one almighty of rashes

Hit Frank McLaury, with a cream chocolate éclair, who gave one, back in return
But as Frank was allergic to chocolate his wound gave him righty some concern

Ike Clanton and Billy Claiborne, young’uns who like to use butties and not buns 
Both turn on their well spurred cowboy boots heels, and like hell started to run

Shot Frank McLaury, and Billy Clanton, managed to lob a few more cream buns
Virgil Earp and Brother Morgan, along with Doc Holliday they all got it in return 

30 seconds later the cream bun fight of the OK Corral, was all done and dusted 
Earp’s brothers with their big tashes, as the Doc had gave all they could muster

Billie Clanton, Tom as Frank McLaury were left on the ground covered in cream
Never to rise again and be a part of the badly organized notorious cowboy team 

Sheriff Behan, a witness, but not involved, on account he was eating his burger
Decided enough was enough, charged the Earp’s and Doc Holliday with murder

They say that day over 30 cream buns were thrown, that’s what they reckoned
In all that making it one cream bun thrown at each other, for every one second

Later on, Ike Clanton, and Billie Claiborne, returned to hand in their statements
But the Tombstone justice of peace threw the case out on grounds of mitigation

So the tashed Earp brothers Virgil, Morgan and Wyatt with the Doc walked free
Lucky for them, as it meant there would be no hangings, from the hanging tree

Copyright © Indiana Shaw


Book: Reflection on the Important Things