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Virtual Truths

Without doubt true,
     and yet too redundantly lectured,
          especially to our young of body and mind,
the virtual world is not reality.

And yet,
Elders seldom hear
when youngsters pout back
what must equally be true,
Earth's reality is no longer devoid
of virtual communicating worlds
without so many competitive walls
to hinder cooperative re-education
about mutual relationships
between polynomial information trends
and polypathic energy economies
and polyphonic co-relational politics,
all networks for off-line Earth's reality
and on-line virtual ego/eco-centering systems.

The story of information systemic regeneration
reweaves Earth's creation story of Gaian Cooperative Hypotheses
knowing we are already a cooperatively intended democracy
living in diverse locations,
identifiable 4D geometrically revolving spacetime locations
emerging from advents of fertile prehistoric winters
producing reborn ecopolitical springs,
diastatically mature summers of healthy wealth revolutions,
harvesting AutumnElders of poly-nutritional wisdom,
restored in understories
of Yin's first and last winter blanket;
egocentering processors
re-aligning with eco-centered Earth's fractal-regenerate realities,
virtual on-line
as 4D cooperative off-line.

Without doubt also true,
     and yet too redundantly gamed and networked,
          especially by our young of bodyminds
               with bilaterally thinking spirits,
Earth's reality includes on-line virtual cooperatives
and off-line ecological Tipping Points,
climate change
as both potentiality 
of cooperative health
and WinLose reality 
for competing flesh and blood pathologies.

1 is always positive or negative in Earth's metric LeftBrain languages,
just as timeless 0s are both/and equivalent notnot double-bound with 1
co-binary RightBrain balance,
virtual-digital and historic-analogical waves
between past and future, 
     tipping toward co-present.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs