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This I Believe

I had a dream...

I am sleeping on a cloud. Upon awakening, I gaze at planet earth below. From my vantage point I can see the globe in its entirety. Something has changed. Before falling asleep I was watching the news. It spoke of war, inflation, hatred and prejudice. There was talk of deforestation, desertification, plastic pollution and radiation poisoning. People were fighting, they were killing. Spilled blood was everywhere, staining the beauteous land.

But the world I am seeing now is at peace. The lion sleeps with the lamb. People from all cultures, nations and languages are living in harmony, a true rainbow of mankind. The air is sweet, the waters pure and clear as crystal. Instinctively, I get down on my knees and pray to the God of heaven, as tears of confusion and joy stream down my face. A soft, low voice from above calls to me: "My son, no need for tears any longer. Look! I have made all things new." It is only then I understand, this is no dream after all. I am in paradise! 

promise of ages
a world in transformation
all living the dream

Copyright © Tom Woody


Book: Shattered Sighs