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Truths Facing the World

how Africa will be if influential leaders 
continue speaking the truths 
about injustice in the  World? 
It is always good to speak the truth on earth.
I always pray  millions of people to get used
 to hear  the truths and acclaim loudly.
When President Cyril Ramaphosa said publicly," Life
 is taken important in western than in Africa." 
I thought he was only addressing the African youths 
about his feelings. 
When he was given the  speech in France - Africa 
summit, He said," why life is taken important in western 
than in Africa? 
It seems as westerners are only human beings 
and Africans are not ...
Many head of states of different countries got cold
 as their colleague was speaking sadly.
He closed his speech by saying ," African countries
are autonomous and ready to fabricate  everything 
by themselves. No need to be pushed to do  things." 
(Oppression on many African  leaders )
Many Africans were happy  about him as he spoke
 the truth which they always wanted to hear 
from the top African leaders. 
I think President Cyril Ramaphosa still have truths
to tell the World about injustice systems. 
When President Ibrahim Traoré said in Russia 
Summit," when a slave does not find way out 
of slavary it means he " she" is enjoying it." 
African youths were so happy for such truth 
which encouraged them to continue  standing  
to destroy  neo - colonisation in some African countries which Is the big obstacle to African Union. 
When president Brice clotaire Oligui Nguema called 
all representatives of Gabonese churches councils
 to support the transitional government, 
he said," You are my role models, 
 I have been following you for decades 
and I wish to do what you always preached
so that our people may enjoy the richness of Gabon.
 I will be so strict to correct so many faults 
in the government before doing the fair election.
Gabon is not a property of someone
but it  belongs to all Gabonese." 
many African young leaders hope 
the new  President of Gabon will change 
the constitution as he meant to correct
 many faults in their government. 
It will be as Mali , Burkinafaso and Niger...
To cancel some agreements with France 
which penalise the economy of the countries. 
I continue to be  happy to witness some changes 
In African continent to mean our  works as 
 anti- injustice activists  progress. 

August 4/2023

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris


Book: Shattered Sighs