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Time Is My Song

I have waited so long to compose a new song; I have waited so long for you to come along. Time is setting fire underneath my feet; time is igniting a motion in the third degree; time is raking up the dust and everyone is getting ready to board the bus.  

The sun is setting fire to my mind and the journey from mega peak to California is divine .

I am walking in a straight line and the clouds in Angola are dancing about causing the people to run and shout. What on earth has gone wrong? 

The Angolans are chanting a mournful song today they are here tomorrow they are there and the wind is blowing through the trees and moving across the hemisphere littering the avenue and the streets. 

They have been waiting for fifteen years underneath the trees on a political promise that had no legs but it came in time when Obama had something to sell and nothing to tell. 

Sixty-three thousand of them waited in the bush living in the wilds honey all day with nothing to cook, they survive every day on water and grain to enter America visa free but the promise was not fulfilled. 

A new administration came along and everyone was singing a different song and the deal died peacefully in the bushes. 

The new administration began to shout and the bush people’s fate was worse than before. They were tossed in different directions, and forced out of the woods to go and fend for themselves.

 The sick and destitute start moving around in crotches and long gowns, and the old and feeble trod along praying to Allah  in the woods but time propels them in different direction and the Americans watch from the big screen an epitaph of a broken promise lying among the trees  and the promise was covered with dirt and those that survived moved boldly with courage  to another place. 

I have waited so long for you to come along to listen to your story of how you escaped from glory,

 I have waited for so long to have a decent shower and walk in the book shops to feast my eyes on new literature.

 I want to look at some focused recipe and the ingredients that is mixed with dusts and those that cause you to fuss. A combination of truths will draw a fine line around those terrific boots. 

I have waited for so long to compose this song so meet me underneath the tree and sing along with me.

Copyright © Christine Phillips


Book: Reflection on the Important Things