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April 21 Serio Comedy 2024 Elections

The election of 2024
Presents an existential choice
Which old white grandpa dude

Both past their prime time 
Do you support for president?

Friendly, grandpa 
Who has been president
For the last three years?
Presiding over a decent economic expansion
Amid war in Europe and the Mid-east.

Or the former chaos president

Facing multiple court cases
Owing settlements for fraud
Sexual assault and defamation?

Who promises more chaos
And retribution against his enemies
In the deep state, and media.

Calling them all communists
As if an international communist threat
Was it still a thing?

Promising to deport 
Illegal aliens
And possibly withdrawing from nato
And other alliances,

and impose crippling tarrifs 
on all imports? 

Yet to his supporters
Has been anointed by god
To vanquish his enemies.

or vote for RFJ, JR
or Cornel West
or Jill Stein
or the libertarian candidate 

or just boycott the election.
staying home in disgust.

Sadly, that is our choice
On election day.

Copyright © Jake Aller


Book: Reflection on the Important Things