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MusEcology of Peace

I would like to see
and hear
and feel a peaceful day
and silent night

When guns
are as rare as typewriters

When partisan hate
is as extinct as flying dinosaurs

When ranting out of anger
to instill fear
is as astounding
as love letters
written on rice paper
in compassionate cursive.

I would like to hear
free speech
can't be hate preach
because anger
and fear
and dogmatic rage are limiting
and divisive
and rabidly dissonant,

Conserving win/lose 
endlessly expensive 
back-and-forth debate

Which does not win/win 
free mind and body
resiliently liberate.

Hate speech
costs our favorite EarthTribes
every healthy 
and wealthy 

Free speech
creates rich
musical and wise compositions,
civil literature,
love stories

Deliberating life
delivering creolizing communities,
purple families,
non-violent muse communications
to sing 
our cooperative Truth
and dance 
advance our co-invested Grace.

heart-filled discussion
restores free peace

non-violet deep compassions

Empowering multicultures
dwelling in enlightened wellbeing

and round cursive spirals
of community wellness danced

In public squares
and parks

Under shade trees
by day
and freely twinkling stars
by night.

I would like to see
and hear
and feel this peaceful day
and silent dancing 
purple night

When automated guns
are as rare as electric typewriters

When impoverishing hate
and fear-provoking speech
are as extinct as predative dinosaurs.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs