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Listen Carefully

Early morn
          Two wide-set yellow eyes
            Peek through cobalt blue
              Remnants of last night's rain
                Wonderful water for all the plants and animals

Across the way
  Four lovely cedars or Cyprus stand
    Like sentinels guarding the road
      Lovely silvery green shines
        Washed and still wet with rain

Two mockingbirds
  Sing so joyfuly one to my left
    The other one to my right
      I wonder what they are discussing
        Responsibilities of parenthood or politics

The clouds
  Seem to be dissipating
    Or the sun has risen higher or a little of both
      I am wondering if there will be more rain today or will last night's shower
        Be all that we get, of course, we could use a little more

Soaking up
  The cool, damp, quiet
    The small amount of the morn that I can enjoy 
      Out on the porch
         Each second so precious

Close my eyes
   Listen carefully
     Perhaps I can catch
       An elusive susurrus of nature to carry through the day
         Filled with positive emotions, help me make it God

Copyright © Sara Kendrick


Book: Shattered Sighs