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Sitting by the Riverwalk it's like
a park
People come to this place in our hometown
to eat drink and gaze at the water's edge
or come for private thoughts
so now my destination!
My tears flowed with anticipation !
as I sit on the edge of the bank gazing up
The scenery is amazing the morning beautiful!

People everywhere!
Friendships loaded with jubilations anticipation tones
swoon by the light of a new day with elations
Summertime breezes upon the cheek
very sweet
But in the winter cold fragile heat
Hard to understand turmoil toils
who rules the tunes
who rules the beat
Knowledge is burning to Speak!
Even when we understand not what?
faith to faith evidence

See the forest for the trees? no!
What we do know is that
April showers bring May flowers even when it's cloudy
And in December must we freeze in frigid winds am
not trying to boast about winter cold or summertime heat
which is better which is worse because we know
June comes before July summertime August is the  hottest
So in any kind of weather may my mind calm down
dance tapping tones
swoon the waltz style out loud
beats the Black Belt complete
in victory not defeat

For we
trust truth mysteries from generation to generation
in quiet serenity and blessed Peace brings Joy
As we move our feet in our houses sometimes
we meet or greet each other maybe
around the corner in the mall, at the Riverwalk
In the street on the phone even a message
Dancing singing to our own melodic calls
and boldly we beat the drums for fun
by the river, we walked with the heart and the heat
and our feet and talked by the Riverwalk with others
its like a river park walk and talking!

Copyright © Joyce Faure


Book: Shattered Sighs