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Her Adamant Face

Adamant Face
My mother used to say with an adamant face, "There is a place for everything and for everything a place!”
My goodness, this house is a total disgrace"

So every Tuesday at quarter past 4:OO
each person in our family had the same chore,
to straighten the house and pick up the floor.

We all sighed, then one replied,
“Where do we put things?”  
“Where do they go?”  
"Where did they come from?" 
"We don’t know!”
     "Just put things back in their original home.
      "Whatever you do, don’t let them roam"
       If you don’t know what it's called, 
      where to put it, 
      or what it does,
or you can’t throw it out or know it’s name because, 
it doesn’t have a match or
there is a piece detached ; 
then don’t give up, just keep your chin up. 
Leave nothing astray, but please be done by the end of the day"
"There is a place for everything and for everything a place" she reminded us with her adamant face.

Our cleaning began, and what did we find ? 
Interesting things of every kind.

Two birthday candles from my cake years ago, rusted nail clippers that trimmed my big toe.

A broken pencil with a very dull end, and a thank you card I forgot to send.

A soy sauce packet stuck to a fork, from a take out order of moo shoo pork.

 A spool of thread, the color red, when I sewed my clumsy thumb instead! 

Grandpa’s glasses missing one lens
My  sister’s retainer 
And 2 leaky pens 

A postal stamp 
A bread bag clip
The top to my mother’s pink lipstick. 

A germy cold lozenge when I had the flu.
A dirty lace from a tennis shoe.

Three receipts from CVS. 
A zipper from an old prom dress.

 Soon we finished, and one replied,
 “Our cleaning is done, we picked up the floor,
   No longer a disgrace anymore!"
"We put things back in their original home, 
 where they belonged and could not roam” 

“Mother, that place was the kitchen drawer!"  
 Our job is done, say no more! 

Copyright © Marikate Kingston


Book: Shattered Sighs