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A Note On Brahmarandhara

                                                  A “
                                           Alight on 
                     A note on-  “Brahmarandhra”:-
               An aperture in  the crown- in our head
            In acupressure is  referred as- the point GV 20
          For Fixing the mind in  Dharana is one of the place
        The other place is Heart;  a lotus, flame, deity or Self
      is imagined there. After this  focus one should meditate
     Between the eyebrows …there lies       another vital point
 ~ Often referred as      Third Eye:    Is the Place of Thalamus
     Pair of Eyes take in light          mages are formed in cortex
     There is also Amigdyla              Like a  pair of headphones
      Brain operates controls life.       Breath, Senses, Regulate
       There’s a mechanism in there       A circuitry put in place
     Our senses  travel by thirteen no.     Cranial nerves C1-13
    The cranial  nerves meet At Pons       Medulla oblongata 
    as bulge on  flower stalk, pea size        In our Mid-Brain
    Pair of Eyes~                      Speech~       Our Ears ~
   Sight locked.                      Tongue is       Stay  open
  On tip of nose                    Upturned       Can’t  shut
 Sets a  posture                Lock onto        Nor flap  ears
 Balancing breath.        The palette       Yet hearing stops
Inbreath- outbreath   In Balance.         When in deep sleep 
          In Jainism, Tradition.              Deep Sleep is  Meditation 
         In Kayotsarga -                  Fourth Turiya Is our true nature -
        The bridge on.                Beyond Awake, Sleep,  Dreamless sleep 
       Upper lip is key.          Beyond Jagrat-Sushupta-Swapna , .the Triad
      To keep the focus. The constant in the CNS  Central Nervous System
 Loci of meditation; 1Exit point: Brahmarandhra. the cavern in heart
The mouth, the lips, the tongue, the speech, taste, hearing, touch organs
  Keeping the senses on hold Connect to Brahmarandhaa, crown on head
     Brahmarandhara: Gateway; Life exits through this point upon death.

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar


Book: Reflection on the Important Things