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Dog Prose Poems

These Dog Prose poems are examples of Prose poems about Dog. These are the best examples of Prose Dog poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Thoroughbreds
The two year old mahogany stallion's nostrils flared out
mist in the cool April morning, his veins prominent, his
sweat frothy on his regal neck and muscular...

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Categories: 7th grade, 8th grade,

Premium Member Lilys Mama Never Let Her Have a Pet
Lily’s mama never let her have a pet
unless you count a sad dog who was chained to a dog house
his entire twelve years of non-life

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Categories: prose, pets,

Premium Member he will not go in there
our new puppy Beau will not go into my husband’s office
I think he senses spirits in there.
I sense my husband’s father
My husband senses Native American...

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Categories: prose, dog,

Premium Member spirit people
The dogs were barking up their lungs
Lunging at the door, as if there were murderers in the yard
I said to my husband “maybe we should...

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Categories: prose, dog,

Premium Member Max the Wonder Dog

An Introduction to Max
Hi, I am a Mastiff cross and my name is Magical Max. To be precise it’s actually Magical Maxi the Wonder...

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Categories: dog, friendship love, magic,

Premium Member Running Away From Home
I am running away the four-year-old told his parents.
Take some clothes, his father urged him.
Better take your piggy bank, said his sister.
Would you like a...

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Categories: parents,

Donning sable spots on buff hearts:
With all the resolve an’ brutality 
They pursue their prey;
Stopping at nothing but the 
Quarry’s final gasp for a breath...

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Categories: abuse, africa, allegory, analogy,

Premium Member Original Blue Haired Alice
Original blue- haired Alice rewrote the story
Wearing a gown she constructed from linseed
With lace sleeves cut from a summer shawl
Possibly her grandmother’s favorite garment

She popped...

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Categories: prose, books,

Premium Member The Last Organ Grinder
Peanuts slowly slid between the old man's fingers as he watched.
Unaware, his long time patrons smiled and greeted him as they passed.
The music stopping abruptly,

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Categories: prose, age, animal, child, death,

Premium Member You Had To Bring Her a Wolf Pup
When Daddy brought Serena a wolf pup
He did not realize what would happen
When the pup grew up and became her guardian

Serena did not have to...

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Categories: prose, dog,

Avid Dog
A good dog faithfully follows you around, but an avid dog even craves for your poop. 

September 1, 2023...

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Categories: funny,

No Nose
No nose will complain about the smell of someone's fart, but don't make it a habit keeping track of someone's butt like a dog. 


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Categories: funny,

My Ole Hound Dog
I was having one of “those” mornings
being all boo-hoo 
and feeling sorry for myself
just counting the ways 
that things were so uncool
when my ole hound-dog...

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Categories: prose, dog,

Premium Member A Big Hunk of Love
I just love looking at him. All 160 pound of our beautiful 10 year old dog.
He is a big hunk of love and every day...

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Categories: dog,

I am just dragging around the town carrying this heavy weight in my body when my normal weight is a hundred and ten pounds and...

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Categories: community, courage, environment, first

Book: Reflection on the Important Things