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Trump Political Verse Poems

These Trump Political Verse poems are examples of Political Verse poems about Trump. These are the best examples of Political Verse Trump poems written by international poets.

Premium Member He's angry and hurt
President Biden is angry and hurt
as the press and his party 
devalue his worth.
He's disrespected and told he's too old,
while his challenger spews untruths
yet gains...

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Categories: age, america,

Hunter Biden
From his mother’s womb
One February afternoon
and straight to the Situation Room
Hunter Biden, we presume.
His father, with his thoughtless clauses and pauses,
Captured the most prestigious of...

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© Lora Como  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: america, celebrity, drug, funny,

April 29 the sense of an ending End of Trump Reality TV Show
April 29—The sense of an ending… End of Trump Reality TV Show?

While watching the Trump trials
I sense an ending 
To the Trump Reality TV show.


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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: humor, humorous, political, satire,

April 20 Standup Comedy The Trump Insult Comedy Tour!
April 20—Standup Comedy – The  Insult Comedy Tour!

How and why he 
Remains so popular 
With some Americans
Remains a mystery.

He remains me 
Of an old-time...

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: corruption, political,

April 19 Define or celebrate a word or concept Scumbagology
April 19—Define or celebrate a word or concept -Scumbagology 

Scumbagery is the study 
Of the actions of a scumbag
A scumbag is a narcissistic, sociopathic 

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: political,

April 12 Dire Prediction Civil War 2
Civil War 2.0 

Reading the latest polls 
Showing that President Biden
 And Ex-President Trump 
Tied in a dead  heat
In the polls
Particularly in the swing...

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: america, analogy, anger, angst,

April 8 Delay
April 8—Delay (any kind)

There is always a two to three-month delay
Between economic news 
And people’s perception of the economy.

Most people feel the economy sucks
When in...

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: america, angst, political,

April 7 Why Trump
April 7—Figure something out in a poem

Why Trump?

For the last six years
I have been trying 
To figure out 

Why 40 percent
Of my fellow Americans
Still support...

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: america, evil, political,

March 31 Easter Bunny's Warning
Easter Bunny Warning 

the Easter Bunny
had a warning
he was tired 
of being played the fool

tired of being associated
with low-life
fake Christians
proclaiming that Donald Trump

is the next...

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allusion, america, analogy, anger,

Premium Member The Elderly Man and His Speach
The elderly man we call leader
Would shout as if our ears couldn't hear,
Then whisper with the expectation 
We would agree to adhere to his
Foreign invasion~

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Categories: political,

Premium Member Blah Blah Blah
Fa, la, la,
the politicians stump.
Blah, blah, blah,
It's Donald Trump.
Oh La la, we've hit a bump.
Shangri-La or Mein Kampf?...

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Categories: america, perspective, political,

Premium Member Tit For Tat Don't Do That
Jon Stewart, sometimes host of The Daily Show ridicules Trump,
then dares jump to the other side and does the same to Biden.
His viewers won't buy...

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Categories: america,

Premium Member Overstocked
One needn't be a Trump fan to
marvel at the sales persona in
the D.T. man..
Looming criminal charges don't seem
to matter as the marketing of his name

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Categories: perspective, political,

Premium Member Did you drink the bleach
Dear Evangelicals,
 Did you drink the Kool aid,
or perhaps it was the bleach?
Now wanting to reelect a President
who should have been impeached!
What about those values...

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Categories: america, political,

Premium Member Boo Hoo Deja Vu
Our foxy former president
who rallied the rioters and
then safely went,
is hoping that we all forget,
the January 6th Capitol attack
and the good judgement that he lacked,

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Categories: political,

Book: Shattered Sighs