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Plantain Poems - Poems about Plantain

Plantain Poems - Examples of all types of poems about plantain to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for plantain.

Premium Member The Scalloped Plantain
The scalloped plantain Shapes like a scallop Leaves open up like a fan Flat and wide A remarkable landmark Eye-catching and attractive Frankly displaying With no secrets hiding Sincerely welcoming you With open arms Strikingly loyal With supporting and compromising Raised hands But sad to say It's disappearing...Read the rest...
Categories: plantain, appreciation, beauty, garden, nature,
Form: Free verse
Beautiful Plantain
Knowing the knowledge of man is like testing the wielder man, growing and gripping from grass that causes a liquor of liquid. •••• To those who love plant, will tell the benefit of the incubant everywhere in the farm, having...Read the rest...
Categories: plantain, 3rd grade,
Form: Diamante

Premium Member A Plantain
The fruit is tasty So different in taste looks like a banana Yet its not the same A banana just eat Plantain must be cooked Once its golden brown It is ready to eat Any time of day It does not matter A delightful treat I...Read the rest...
Categories: plantain, fruit,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Eat me as cheeps Boil me as food Either green or yellow I grow every where Green when unripe Yellow when ripe I give you suckers for the Future Give me nine months I give you Fruits yes fruits Plenty of it Some to sell Some...Read the rest...
Categories: plantain, education, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Life As Seen In a Plantain Flower
The pink petal is holding the buds safe like a mother hen, I see another overlapping, As I keep removing the laps one by one, I realize, isn't our life's destinies going the same, We achieve one goal,...Read the rest...
Categories: plantain, life,
Form: Free verse

Caseworker: Yams and Plantain
Caseworker: Yams and Plantain Cabrini-Green Housing Project Chicago Bienvenido’s comin’ over, says his wife, to ‘splain me why the kids have got no rice, no beans, how the landlord’s shovin’ notes beneath the door...Read the rest...
Categories: plantain, social
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things