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Science Nature Poems

These Science Nature poems are examples of Nature poems about Science. These are the best examples of Nature Science poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Farewell to Summer - 2024
Falling Autumn leaves brashly wave goodbye to Summer
And strew the pathways with emeralds, rubies, and gold.
Radiant beauty engages the land in mummer
Encouraging Summer to relent...

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Categories: autumn, environment, nature, science,

gravitational rainbows
Quantum gravity,
a dance of dust and light,
where dimensions fold and stretch,
warped by the weight of stars unseen.
Man is a ripple in a cosmic web,
a fleeting...

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Categories: nature, allegory, allusion, angel, art,

Premium Member Why Is The Sky Blue? Asked Jimmy
Why is the sky blue? Asked Jimmy 
Fantastic question!
Why indeed?
Why did The Creator
Whether God or Science or a Scientific God 
Choose blue
Instead of forest green,...

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Categories: nature, blue, child, father son,

Natural Science
Everything that
Science know how
Comes from nature....

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Categories: education, nature, perspective, science,

Premium Member Jaw Harp Blues
listen to 
her galaxies
the far away
her slow dances

listen to 
the near and here
her melancholic

in what a world
may androids sing
metallic voice
or sheer the wind

yet I, the...

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Categories: nature, anxiety, depression, life, mental

Premium Member Less Than Words Can Tell
Doctor Fell taught at University Park, like stars gather for enlightenment;
And was stern, diligent and upright, like pink cactus bloom environments.

He was dedicated to his...

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Categories: nature, anger, change, color, fantasy,

Dwarf Giant of the Med
Listen up, y'all, got a tale to tell
'Bout an elephant that time almost forgot
Not your average jumbo, this one's special as hell
Sicily's very own pint-sized...

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Categories: environment, lost, nature,

Premium Member Colonoscopy
I have a special interest in telling about my colonoscopy.
The doc cheerful, secure in his specialty, colon cancer being
the second leading cause of cancer death...

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Categories: cancer, death, future, nature,

Premium Member eclipse
black sunflower sun
	onyx upon opal orb ~
		curious cat...

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Categories: nature, cat, environment, flower, moon,

Premium Member Mothers Nature
From the sun to the sea,
Constantly giving waves of energy.
Add in some rains and winds that blow,
And there's renewable power, we can grow.

While these natural...

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Categories: nature, environment, future,

The Barren Landscape
Where steel titans glower, casting endless shade,
Rain's memory fades, and a parched land is displayed.
Bangalore simmers, a cauldron in the sun,
Life withers silent, its thirsty...

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Categories: earth, environment, life, nature,

Premium Member Mandela and Shoebills
So suddenly 
it appears in
my Facebook
feed as if it
has always been
part of nature
as if it always
made its presence
known in all the years 
of nature shows...

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Categories: nature, perspective, science,

Premium Member Paris, Seven Months From Now
then you rushed into the leafy courtyard late
like you’d just been thrown in by some hand
but we hadn’t actually arranged it yet 
I knew immediately...

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Categories: friendship, life, love, nature,

Hope in the depths of the human soul,

Hope that guides us towards our goal.

Hope, a beacon in times of despair,

Hope, a light that we all...

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Categories: celebration, encouraging, hope, nature,

Premium Member A Strong Force
I was an illustrious, nuclear physicist, and I was studying the strong force,
Holding together building blocks of all atoms, as stars hold to their course.


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Categories: nature, beauty, fantasy, flower, life,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things