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Top 25 Results (Member Poems)

You searched Exact Keyword(s): religious in category: me and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Religious Spirit

follow the wise
its understanding prize

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Raise your right hand.
Take the oath.
Religious nuts,
men or both.
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In Name Only

give monkeys typewriters and enough time ~ they’ll spell out a god or two 

# scientific not religious #

David Kavanagh
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Devils Soul

on fire
devout in terror
within the religious he hides
no rules does he abide
anger bubbles
he preaches
no love to expose
his vacation cabin
the island of Lesbos
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Hardly a Religious Scholar, Wapo-


             A brute,a killer
             Rapist, burnt thousands,has died
             To many, tears fall

             English Haiku
             October 29, 2019

             WAPO- reference to Jeff Bezos'
             Newspaper, the Washington Post.

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Give Us the Answer

If your even vaguely religious and
 think God is the creator.
 Kneel, clasp your hands together and pray
 because I need the answer,
 why the hell is there Cancer?
 It has no regard for age,colour or creed.
 What is the thinking behind this indiscriminate disease?
 If you get a response please tell me please.
Details | Political Verse |

Shapeless India

rogue nation
modern slavery
vicious circle
caste divisions up in arm,occupy regime
is it religious sects regaining regime?
is it erstwhile princely estate regaining regime?
is it foreign hand shaking regime?
the thin chicken neck chopped
india is now black hole india
inside amoeba like shapeless india
outside shapeless india
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Basic Truths Absolute-

Functional fictional phases; Destitute Monumental glorious appraiser; Borderline translucent operatic sounds; Futuristic holograms; Basic truth; Absolute; Regrettable prolific stanzas; Which religious monarchs enslaving; Borderline translucent operatic sounds; Futuristic mannequins; Absolute, Basic truth; 1/29/20 James Edward Lee Sr 2020
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From immemorial time
 on England’s plains
 the Stonehenge stands –
 pendulous rocks over life precipice.
Produced by a culture
 that had no written records.
 Sun clock, devoted to circling sun -
 religious site of healing?
The sacred burial place
 of prehistoric ring of standing stones.
 Suspended stones as heavenly dome -
 devoted to afterlife’s achieving.
© A. R. Wielgus 2015
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We don't need to be 
religious or fanatics
to condone
sins abominable 
against the environment

Needing to recognize 
we are the custodians
of a bountiful planet

With a respectful heart
and clear conscience 
we owe it to our children
and upcoming generations
to leave this world
a better place

AP: Honorable Mention 2021

Submitted on September 10, 2018 for contest COLORED MEMORIES sponsored by CRAIG CORNISH
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Lead Me Into Temptations (Not Religious)

I wanted to believe,
that the one I love would do me no harm,
yet here I am tonight,
wondering who's in your arms.

I've called several times,
no one's picked up the phone,
I walk into this empty house,
to find there's no one home.

I'm afraid reality will soon set in,
and loneliness once more,
I will have to face again.

Come and save me tonight,
guide me out of the dark,
lead me into temptations,
make peace with my heart.
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Thirty Days In the Hole

Stuck in the hole, 30 days 2 go,

One more time, nothing wrong 2 show.

This is a habit, one I must break,

Doing time like this, is hard 2 take.

Alone, no problem, I can deal,

But take my paper, can’t write my feel.

Only read is religious books,

Giving bible study another look.

Still time to wait, 4 P O 2 come,

Once he does, I can go home.

Be free at last, make my own rules.

Will finally be, away from the fools.
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Religious People

some use "spiritual" on this personal topic
but we talk now of religious people
so hard to get truth, straight answers
no matter how one tries, gives, supports
at Open Doors Assembly here, it kills faith

Harry worried about such "Christians"
I do so too, hard not to -
They are the face of Jesus to many
Among those who fear Church, religion
They may sense religion binds - "religere" -
A relationship with Jesus is Sine Qua Non
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Religious Tolerance By a Somalian Moslem

The keenest Christian Sermon on Salt 
To a Somalian Moslem in Renault 
That can out-speed a stone from catapult 
But now at a complete halt;
Not from any mechanical fault:
Perhaps, Moslems can from Salt
Messages sift about Man’s fault 
And his waiting judgmental vault”

A still dragging Sermon on Symbolic Salt 
And a Moslem stops sipping his cold Malt
Though in ‘Allah’ precisely dues exalt 
And fellow Mohammedans watching the result!
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Free Speech Trumps Hatred and Bigotry - Again

A Swedish man abandoned his plan 
   to stage a public Torah burning
  for which very few were yearning ...

  In its wake the UNHRC (United Nations Human Relations Council)
    passed a resolution against religious hatred and bigotry
  which the United States and European Union opposed
    due to 'free speech restrictions,' a blow to every religious minority
                                                             ~ even Christianity
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God Mode

I'm now in god mode

       Explanation, if you will

   That I have the power

 To give life or take it

We all do, in our way

 Aside, only one force

   That transcends time

       I will love you forever

            Not one ... second ... more.

(This is NOT religious statement of any kind, it is about the emotional power
 some people hold over others, and the ambiguities of the only thing that
 refutes it).
Details | Quatrain |

It Was One of Those Mornings

Spring had already come, but my mother was still numb, 
Winter anorak hugging my sweating and suffocating body; 
Sad inside, but quietly because I was by no means a dumb, 
Since I claimed to her that the others were free as anybody. 

Summer time loves my essence, free, liberal and breezy, 
Wearing t-shirts on the bus to school, a bold statement, 
To their fundamentalism, so religious, strict and uneasy, 
About our freedoms, like healthcare, radio and sentiment.
Details | Political Verse |

A Weirdy Cat Week

I would have less surprised if they had chased down religious mothers
And murdered them in their carpeted hymn singing churches
They were frenzied, fanatically incensed, a revved up mob
Brains had been overturned by the whip tongue of the outgoing czar.
Blood splatters on the pristine building left a fleshy carnage.
Who has the noose?
Where is the vice president?
Steal and loot. Plunder. Pillage.
An insurrection no one can be proud of, making it a weirdy cat week.
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Don't worry about me 
I'm just playing my scripted 
Be not unforgiving or hurt
Let me live without your 
endless blurt.

For I walk no paved way to 
I stand out seeming much to 
Yet no less a man I'm than 
If what I am won't overcome
The pits of hell then so it be!
To hide behind religious zeal
A license to kill, rape and 
Is cowardly deceit to me
I'd best boycott your 
heaven gate
And bravely face the 
dreaded fate.
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Unresolved Crimes

We fight,
We cry,
And ask ourselves why?

Why did we have to start
To tear our own race apart.
With an endless war,
That has no end
That we cannot mend.

Why is it ok to kill someone else's brother,
For the sake of a religious gain?

If I killed your brother would you think the same?
Religion is not a game!

Look what happened to the crusades,
A long Time ago
In the name of their religion,
They had nothing left to show,

Of what was a holy place
A Long time ago.
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Trumps America

Chocking down sugar
From the hands of a broken system
Slitting my wrist 
In a vain existential tryst 

Painting skies of rust
Watching as America crumbles to dust
The religious are the worst
The holy are a joke 

Poking politicians with a sharpened stick 
Rocking the boat 
Pouring buckets of water over the faces of the blind
Screaming at the top of my lungs to no avail 

America is doomed or so it seems
Only a matter of time 
You say I'm a criminal 
What's my crime?
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Tonight I'Ll Light Some Candles

Tonight I’ll light some candles
For some people who have died,
A custom on the holiday
To which I will abide.

I’m not religious, but, to me,
A ritual like this
Acknowledges the fact that there
Are those we truly miss.

Of course, besides my parents
There are others who have passed
Who were special in so many ways
Their memories hold fast.

Though they all don’t get a candle,
For the ones who’ve had to part,
There’s a little flame I’ll keep alive
Forever in my heart.
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James Stepped In

Needed to read, just myself, 
So James stepped in unexpected, 
Not hesitantly, but with ardour, 

Physically disabled, 
Well aware of my rights, 
To read and consider on my own. 

Mum wished to angle, 
My thoughts towards god, 
To a religious seat. 

But my chair was an intellectuals, 
My vision was unity and oneness, 
Not some to hell, others to heaven. 

James repelled them harshly, 
Said I had my own mind, 
Which could be secret to me. 

Rhoda Monihan 

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An Array of Humanities Religious Thoughts

You wonder, as I wonder Where you are, where you are, where are you You ponder, as I ponder, I slumber Where You Are, where are you Seen seeing intervisions fade Failed religions pray Prayers to God a man-made cult Through provocating humanities Taken they have gone from home Now they're torn Gone too far eyes on the Stars Open eyes carries pearls ...of no regrets ? Hearts have taken deaths? I digress!
3/27/21 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2021
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Constant Prayer

I am not religious, I am not prayerful

But when I think about her so beautiful

I start thinking of offering devotions

Just by the way she fills me with emotions


I start to say a prayer to the almighty

To give her to me, this woman so pretty

The love of my life, my Aphrodite

I beg the Lord to show me pity


I hardly hear mass, the occasions would be rare

But everyday I say this constant prayer

For God to give me the lady so fair

I would prefer to have her than be a millionaire


Book: Shattered Sighs