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Top 25 Results (Member Poems)

You searched Exact Keyword(s): patriotic in category: me and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Standing Wave


playing her part,
in the Wind Ensemble —
she’s standing proud,
her trumpet waving
in patriotic bliss —
stars and stripes forever.


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Hand Over Heart

Hand over heart, when our National Athem starts,
taught from a child, and we sang every part.
Word for word as the flag was raised,
remembering the sacrifice our soldiers have made.
Patriotic to the core, our Red, White, and Blue,
Americans be proud, stand , and salute.
Details | Rhyme Royal |

Mystified By the Incivility

In a lawless and defying society
where ugly symbols of hate
are becoming banners of disunity
crucifying freedom to the stake...
their purpose is to annihilate:
what stood for patriotic sentiments, immortalized in words
but oblitering them from memory, is a tremoundous loss!

Written on 9/23/2017
Details | Rhyme Royal |

Mystified By the Incivility

In a defying and lawless society,
where ugly symbols of hate
are becoming banners of disunity
that crucify freedom to the stake:
their purpose is to annihilate
what stood for patriotic sentiments
immortalized in words,
but oblitering them from memory 
is a tremendous loss!

Written on 9/23/2017
Details | Personification |

Departed Treasure

Mr. Common Sense has departed my country,
and sadly, I'm not sure if he will ever return.
A few patriotic Americans saw him depart.
Many Americans don't know he's gone.  Some
never knew Common Sense, because if they
really knew him, they would surely miss him.

051521PSCtest, Bite Size No.51, Line Guthier. HM

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Standing Castle

The castle didn't stand because their household
stood because of him.

The castle didn't stand because he called them
"my family", instead of "my subjects".

The castle stood because he cared about what
they said, felt or thought.

Generations after the King was gone,
the patriotic citizens still protect the castle.
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Gloom and Doom Music

I hear the sound of gun shot
and music.
Patriotic music
Doom and gloom music
It's Memorial Day
My husband is glued
to the TV watching 
because his father was
blown off three ships
More gloom and Doom music
The dog and I are curled up,
in the recliner,
trying to not listen to
the gunshots.
or the gloom and doom music.
It filters in anyway
Details | Epitaph |

Our Uncle Sam

Here lies the remains of our Uncle Sam Died from those who didn't give a damn, A malady known as a lack of concern His citizens were too apathetic to learn, He came to a slow and agonizing end When divisive factions refused to bend In his two hundred forty-fifth year today As patriotic times of unity slipped away.
Written June 8, 2022
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What We Have Lost

We don't even know what we have lost...

when community meant everyone
living in harmony...

when patriotic meant
you would die for your country...

when loyalty meant
you'd stick it out till the end...

when marriage meant
you'd stay until the end...

when faith meant 
you opened your heart to God...

when dying meant
you'd pray for the soul...

when loving meant 
you become more by becoming less....
Details | Etheree |

American Mosaic Grandson

American Mosaic

My Prince
Golden brown hair
A grandson, so rare
Honor student and humble, too
Little League All Star, team player 
Raised by two, loving, kind, patriotic parents 
Piano player and loyal servant of the Lord 
Accountable, responsible, wise, fun and compassionate beyond his years
He is God's gift to me, and to this totally, outstanding country

June 13, 2019
7pm PST

Type of Poem Etheree
Details | Acrostic |


Freedom rises in patriotic hues,
Lowered to half mast in mourning.
Abecedarians first salute of red, white and blues.
Greeting of new school day on slate-gray morning.
Pole sealed in globular cement — a foundation
Of a world of promise waving in the winds of fate.
Learning with loud claps of chalk dust in ovation.
Every student shaped by curved line or straight.

Acrostic and Quatrain poetry contest
Sponsor: Savannah Brown
Details | I do not know? |

Patriotic Deed

Stars shinning bright,
against the darkened midnight sky,
know that our prayers are with you,
and all hopes are flying high.

You went over there,
to protect our freedom over here,
when thinking of you,
our thoughts are sincere.

We watch things on t.v.,
they say you're no longer in danger,
yet knowing you're still there,
seems to build on the anger.

They say we have him,
right where we need,
just a little closer,
and we'll do our patriotic deed.
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A Shot In the Dark

dreamt to relieve myself
of fearful thoughts, patriotic
plots. dressed to kill in Washington
skirt, no pants of a farmer
wielding a British brown bess
blessed with happiness before
the frightening knock at the door
exploded out of shock
towards the door...towards the door
while family holds their revolutionary breaths
the bouquet
of children unaware
of dangerous situation
a shot in the dark
a shot heard round the world
that never stops

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The face of poverty knows no patriotism 
The migrating birds and setting sun are patriot-free
A baby will suckle from a foreign mother's unpatriotic breast

Patriots carve imaginary lines across the globe
Patriots blackmail humanity into divisions of sinful pride
Patriots invade foreign lands with the excuse of defending their homeland

Spill patriots' blood with oil
Call for patriotism in the name of war and violence
Write patriotic verse to line the pockets of the wealthy

© Seeyam Brijmohun, 2015
Details | Political Verse |

January 6, 2021

I watched in horror as insurrectionists, 
          [hooligans and terrorists] 
          stormed our nation's capital. 
While chaos reigned, I was afraid 
	  our republic was slipping away 
	  at the hands of a radical few. 
I feared this nation might perish 
	  like democracies of ages past 
  	  for lack of patriotic courage. 
I wondered if America would ever sing 
          again the songs of liberty, 
          know the peace of unity.

Revised and Edited on January 17, 2021
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Traitors' Insurrection

This wasn’t any lawful, peaceful protest, 
Nor a rational expression of free speech.
It was one nation under siege by misguided, 
Manipulated puppets under 45’s direction.

Every MAGA hat-wearing oath keeper proud boy,
All those angry white thugs in tactical vests,
And every other rat domestic terrorist  
Committed treason, clear at first inspection.

There’s no excusing violence and vandalism.
No patriotic warrant to condone.
To attack the institution of the US Constitution,
It was nothing less than traitors’ insurrection.
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Black, Black Hills

Oh black, Black hills above the grass,
rising up like a giant hold-fast.

On your sides heros are carved,
cut by patriotic hearts.

Great stone needles rising high,
futilely reaching for the sky.

Bison graze and great elk roam,
through forest and prairie homes.

In late summer the bikers roar,
and Sturgis opens up its doors.

Deadwood boasts of cowboys great,
Bullock, Hickock, aces’n’eights.

Stunning depths of the wind cave,
where the mountains meet the plains.

Oh black, Black Hills above the grass,
I wander your trails, at long last.
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Fireworks creating, a huge celebration.
   Independence day, uniting a nation.
   Rockets zooming skyward, blazing bright.
   Exploding with spectacular, shimmering light.
   Catherine wheels whirling, sparks cascading.
   Roman candles dancing flames, gaily serenading.
   America, celebrating, the fourth of July.
   Crowds gathering, where the stars and stripes fly.
   Keeping up tradition, with a respectful manner.
   Everyone singing, the Star Spangled Banner.
   Reunions where people really belong.
   Softly singing a patriotic song.

   7/ 13/ 2015.
Details | Political Verse |

April 15 Lament Watching the News

April 15 Lament Watching the News

While watching the news
I am constantly lamenting
The sad state of political discourse
In these increasingly
Disunited United States of America.

Where we have retreated into enemy tribes
Blue, red, and purple states
With each convinced their tribe
Is righteous, patriotic, and pro-American.

Accusing the other tribe
As anti-american fascists
plotting to set up a dictatorship.

Some talking darkly
about Civil War 2.0.

That is my daily lament
Particularly when insomnia
Steals slept from me
At 0 dark hundred.

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Usa Border Fundamentals

     USA Border Fundamentals

“ Where is the border?”
“ Well, not in El Paso, mam!”

Three older men were crying in
their beer.
All were veterans with no legs.
They felt like crying such soulful,
patriotic tears!

And rightly, so!
What did they fight for?
If not to keep us safe and free.
Instead, we now let anyone come 
in, illegally?

I am no political dope!
Any killer is allowed in now!
As long as thieves in DC get 
more dang, illegal votes!
They forgot our ancestors 
came to this land legally,
for big dreams and hope!

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Patriotic Hurt

I HURT inside because
My country is not healthy.
My HURT does not cause me to
Be unhealthy; nor does it diminish
My patriotic zeal. In stead, appealing
To the source much higher than anything
Else that I could bring to the table, my
HURT rallies me to pray more for my country.

When my HURT is allowed
To be intermingled with hope
And touched by God in prayer,
There is the prospect of a river flow,
Or waves of resolutions rushing to the
Shores like ocean tides and filling my heart
And soul with expectation. And therein lies
The anticipation of my nation's healing.

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The Lighthouse-Keeper's Daughter

In 1914 at Albany the first ANZAC soldier's fleet gathered
And on the transports the soldiers were by orders tethered
She was the Light-house keeper's young daughter so patriotic
Using semaphore signals she spoke to them on youth's topic
It was to the Great War battles fought and won ahead of all
Each word semaphored from ship to shore their excited call
Finally off to Egypt, Gallipoli shores and Western Front they went 
There were tough trials of bullet, shot and gas towards them sent 
They remembered this girl with her heart felt messages freely given
Their letters and postcards in her mind her thoughts of them still living.

© Paul Warren Poetry
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Bursting forth, light mightier than the sun
Blessed by God to have this chance
On ships that fly the ocean 
On ships that sail the sky
To find America 
Land of peace, perhaps not complete
But we are folded as one, running with the ages
Just beginning
Rolling with mountains, reaching solid limits in truth
Folding back on humanity from past into the future
Washed in waves of freedom
Finding the soul of everyone for peace 
Reaching like the holy land it is, evolving
To find America forever vigilant and working 
To rest but never sleep
Bursting forth, mightier than the sun
For all to see

                                      7/05/14 Any Patriotic Poem contest
Details | Political Verse |

Historical Matters

It matters,
not just politically and economically,
but also psychologically
and scientifically
and culturally
and ecologically
and educationally,
whether your history of American development
only seldom begins before Columbus Day,
and inevitably ends with flag waving on Independence Day,
or if American loyalty to and for healthy development
began way back in pre-history,
when Father SunYang
gave birth to YinMother Earth.

Who lies within
and who and what and when and where and why remain without
your sense of Earth-patriotic identity
depends on when and where and why
you start your own evolving history,
and where you are OK about our creation story ending.
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Pledging Allegiance

severely agitated
by remarks
on patriotism called nationalism
which for me casts a negative shadow
isn't nationalism a thin disguise for saying

I so love my country
and was brought up with religion
although I have followed my own spiritual path
in adulthood
my American heart stands true

I'm the one crying at parades
at marine bands and military choirs
voices raised together in patriotic, even religious song
bring me to my knees

is what causes death and war
abuse of power political or religious

and yes children in America
even exchange students and expats
should raise their voices in thanks and praise
for being allowed to stand
in American schools.

pledging allegiance
showing respect

Book: Reflection on the Important Things