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Kaleb Poems - Poems about Kaleb

Kaleb Poems - Examples of all types of poems about kaleb to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for kaleb.

My Micke Boys
...To be called .. ~ Grandma is a Honor ~ I have been blessed with 4 Grandchildren ~ one lays in Heaven " Kaleb " He is God's Angel ~ ~ His twin brother he will alway......Read the rest...
Categories: kaleb, angel, baby, baseball, beautiful,
Form: Free verse
Autism's Name
...Autism has a smile, a beautiful face Disconnected from this world, this place Thought process differs from most Unable to chase away Autism's ghost Autism has a smile, a beautiful face An Angel pres......Read the rest...
Categories: kaleb, health, son, beautiful, beautiful,
Form: Rhyme

Diondra Johnson
...Diondra Daughter, writer, singer, dancer Sister of Charmane, Brynisha, and Kaleb Lover of music, darkness, and night Who feels pain, sorrow, and lost Who fears love, failure, and guilt Who woul......Read the rest...
Categories: kaleb, sad
Form: Bio

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Sponge Bob
...Watching my cartoons My favorite is Sponge Bob Yellow with square pants. _________________________ Dedicated to my son Kaleb......Read the rest...
Categories: kaleb, childhood, dedication
Form: Senryu
God's Heavenly Gift
...God's Heavenly gift arrived in June, Song in our hearts, a joyful tune. Little Kaleb, with all his splendor, To each of us true love doth render. Special moments- to watch him grow, To see him......Read the rest...
Categories: kaleb, children, brother, brother, love,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry