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Immolations Poems - Poems about Immolations

Immolations Poems - Examples of all types of poems about immolations to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for immolations.

Premium Member Numbered Days Relevant Ways to the wilderness wandering mountain&plains seeking directions to a promised land a generational journey of idolatry ......Read the rest...
Categories: immolations, christian, thanksgiving, tribute,
Form: Ekphrasis
10 Word Challenge-2 - the Medicine Man
...The QUIESCENT, AMBIVALENT brave ate the BITTERSWEET berries, as he listened to the ARCANE canticles of the chief’s INTERCESSOR’S words- How absurd the man looked with that buffalo hide and FLAMB......Read the rest...
Categories: immolations, america, history, judgement, native
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Imperial Corporate Jurisprudence, the Lurid Leviethan Part One -
...I was born unto a woman and a man, and a government, this was the Trinity, these were my employers, entrance into this magical melee was acknowledged with a certificate of birth, and with nefarious n......Read the rest...
Categories: immolations, history,
Form: Didactic

Book: Reflection on the Important Things