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Humber Poems - Poems about Humber

Humber Poems - Examples of all types of poems about humber to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for humber.

Voices From Inside
...He was a man of many voices All making a disparate whole And by day you never knew Which one would take control. Some days you wouldn't know The persona on display Wouldn't know the voice Or w......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, angst, death of a
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Who Put Luebella Down the Wych Elm
... "Who Put Luebella down the Wych Elm?" There are rumours about me, some come seeking me with their geiger counters and ouji boards with their heart shaped planchettes ......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative

Saddleworth Moor
...Crossing the Pennines, rocky spine Of the country running North South, Following the motorway west From the Humber Estuary Mouth It always felt cloud bound whatever The weather or the time of ......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, dark, death, sad,
Form: Rhyme
Sunset Scene
...Setting sun carved a path over the Humber From Hessle right across the river bend To join the banks at Ferriby Foreshore Where that path came to its end. The great smelter chimney Rising there d......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, memory, river, sunset, water,
Form: Rhyme
Post Cod War Blues Part 2
...Blood money isn’t paid in silver these days, just transferred to your account with a sheet of computerised data to tell you their proffered amount. I’m standing over the fish sheds, to my front ......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, anger, betrayal, emotions, fishing,
Form: Rhyme

The Humber Ferry
...By heck it was cold on the Humber ferry The water was deep and Hull smelled like leather May I mention the bridge it’s all there’s left The boat man’s gone, it must be the Styx Right it w......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, age, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Voices From Inside
...He was a man of many voices All making a disparate whole And by day you never knew Which one would take control. Some days you wouldn't know The persona on display Wouldn't know the voice Or w......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, anger, conflict, friendship, mental
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Audrey Bowden
...A Lincolnshire lass was she in youth and bloom revealing, and upon us all God smiled when unto this world a child was born and bred in Healing Red flower of the Midlands - ......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, thanksgiving day, voyage,
Form: Rhyme
The Shipping Forecast
...In homage to the waters around the UK and all those who sail them... Late at night and early dawn Like clockwork - every day are heard Those dulcet tones “set fair” to warn With poetic, most ......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, high school, jealousy, nature,
Form: I do not know?
...By Humber in a drowsy afternoon, When for my love long lost alone I pin’d, My heart itself did sing a saddest tune For woeful swain I was to be destin’d. And I in pain then lov’d this timid croon......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, nature,
Form: Ottava rima
Hull, City of Culture 2017
...Hull is the great and unique city where I was born Sitting on the Humber estuary...proud and all alone Known for keeping Charles I and his army out through courage and bravery Also the birthplace ......Read the rest...
Categories: humber, birth, city, culture, fishing,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs