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Rhyme Halloween Poems

These Rhyme Halloween poems are examples of Halloween poems about Rhyme. These are the best examples of Halloween Rhyme poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Leota wants to learn the Minnesota Charm
Leota stacked her new books in a fabulous little pile.
She was thrilled with their freshness, it made her smile.
Finally at university, she could figure out...

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Categories: halloween, 10th grade, 11th grade,

Premium Member why does she get two familiars
why does she get two familiars? The other witches asked their Daddies.
They had no idea, but her parents did drive three brand new Caddies.
Perhaps they...

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Categories: halloween, 10th grade, 11th grade,

I hanker and pine for wood burning stove weather
I hanker and pine for wood burning stove weather

I haint no spring chicken,
("Buk buk buk buk ba-gawk!")
but in Summer re: 
long in tooth sexagenarian 

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Categories: halloween, age, allegory, appreciation, celebration,

Premium Member Choosing A Genuine Leader
Choosing a genuine leader
Is a dauntingly difficult task
To constitutionally ask
Uninformed voters
To vote their conscience.
Such a practice defies science
And natural common sense.
That too many followers lack

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Categories: america, betrayal, fire, halloween,

Premium Member Spellcaster
A cabin sees a creature cool from night of crawl and hunt in all
of gravely stone and street in tone of light diffused by wane...

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Categories: halloween, magic, moon, night, scary,

Premium Member Seven Uninvited Guests
The gathered, outside my house, lingered long,
As if it were Halloween night -
A rogue's gallery of goblins and ghouls,
They were an unwanted sight.

Their faces had...

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Categories: confidence, dark, halloween, hope,

Premium Member Helzabob met Mister at the Door
Helzabob had her own ways of tweaking spells a tiny bit
She unleased some monstrous concoctions on her sister.
Helzabor created creatures who danced, twirled, and sometimes...

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Categories: halloween,

Premium Member Eerily Goes Night
who then rings
thy solitary bell
whose voice cuts through
the mist

and lowly darkness
winter’s eve
there far off 
screaming fox

when unseen eyes
then look upon
from trees that hide
in cloak

and footsteps

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Categories: dark, fear, halloween, horror,

Premium Member Her Incantation
Curly red-haired witch had incantations that flowed into the night
Her familiar, an owl, watched them float up and out of sight.
What are you trying for?...

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Categories: halloween,

Premium Member The Rumor of Tomato Head
We had heard of tomato head, of course.
Many thought it was a rumor spread by a horse.
Black Beauty was particularly fond of such lies.
I watched...

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Categories: halloween,

Premium Member no big surprise
Three chubby short stubby snorting gnomes came into the field.
They held a skeleton, a cauldron, and a jack-o-lantern from our yield.
Give that Jack back! I...

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Categories: halloween,

Premium Member Halloween at Hogwarts
Being a parsel-tongue, I knew I was Slytherine, of course.
Dressing in scales and slithering would give it away though.
So I dressed as my patronus, seventeen-hands...

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Categories: halloween, 10th grade, 11th grade,

Premium Member staring into my witch's cauldron
Soil with sabrino, boil with babinoes white
Fire of witches, fire with switches bright
I gaze into your depths, feeling amazingly light
Wondering what dish you will bring...

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Categories: halloween,

Premium Member gray cat mother ghoul
the wind blew in from the west, I felt it in my breast.
colder than the wind from the east, like a witch’s kiss.
Hallows Eve! A...

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Categories: halloween,

Premium Member familiar gives witch the eye
October vamp was practicing her drama
Reading a book given to her by her mama
Perfecting her laugh, her giggles and her cries.
Her black cat gave her...

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Categories: halloween,

Book: Shattered Sighs