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Grunge Poems - Poems about Grunge

Grunge Poems - Examples of all types of poems about grunge to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for grunge.

Neo-Grunge Jazz
This will be a false Haiku because I don't have time to finish up Xmas tree obliges Anyhow why not write Neo-Grunge jazzmataz music song poeme In a rather quickie style let's finish here, I only have 12 minutes precisely: dirty clean...Read the rest...
Categories: grunge, beauty,
Form: Carpe Diem
Triff Mantra
Kitana Mansa what words speak me there shredded or triffled the shoes of tired men Mansa Kitana sing that you are songful the son of pleasant persons the headjoint of the flute the carved dogwood tree music that causes pleasure are songs that bothers...Read the rest...
Categories: grunge, creation, dance, film, inspirational
Form: Ballad

Yelling and Cartwheels
. for public domain and Kurt Cobain I'm doing hand stands in the rain. It's never going to snow again, until December or late November, but that's so far away, so far away, so far away, so far away. I'm doing cartwheels...Read the rest...
Categories: grunge, celebration, spring, summer,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Grunge Me
grunge me in the middle tryn guess my name go on an blow your love ing whistle ain't nothing gonna change hear me in the echoe strum another key drain me from the ocean never drown my plea grunge me ?...Read the rest...
Categories: grunge, art,
Form: Lyric
90's Grunge Blitz
Thrift shop miracles of multi- layered mysteries,insomniac- drifters stumbling up the highway to a water-logged Nirvana. Stuttering hymns to flannel saints who have not yet; joined the cult of organized-nicean-rebellion.   Midwest slackers distressed in jeans and in mind blood slowly becoming...Read the rest...
Categories: grunge, addiction, age, america, angst,
Form: Blitz

Book: Reflection on the Important Things