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You searched Exact Keyword(s): funny in category: for him and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


Details | Limerick |

Hold Down the Fort-Tributick

Santa Jack's under the weather so I'm hear to say Let's all write a limerick or two today It should be funny Or a little bit punny So pull out your pencils and start writing away

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It's Time For a Funny

Hello Honey, are you feeling sunny
or another day of crummy?

Are you going to be grumpy
because your a little lumpy?

Your still my little hunky
because your always spunky.

I love you my sweet Honey
because your never a dummy!

For my sweet hubby     T Reams
Details | Tanka |

Joint Feels of Happiness- I Feel So Happy--

I love of girlfriend
She’s so funny and playful.
She has rife calm smiles
Funny personalities
When she walks I feel happy
I love my boyfriend
He’s too funny and playful.
He’s calm rife smiles
Funny personalities
when he walks I feel happy

written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019©
Details | Dramatic Monologue |

Another One of His Poems

Writing another poem,
he broke my heart again.
it’s not from shady actions,
but the love from the amend.

Crying silent tears.
Fresh wound
that never healed.
Got closure,
then he opened
quickly broke the seal.

I love him.

I love him.

I can only write those lines.
This is not what I prayed for,
this heartache inside.

The love that used to fix me,
has me too broken to write.
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Funny Man

Attention Mr Funny Man 
enlighten us clean pun,
Be the sport with thunder thought
Funny man be fun.

We're waiting on ridiculous...
gags and comedy,
The humourous and numerous 
jest and parody.

Be a fool and do it cool
with wacky be the dope,
Goosey-like, one not bright
C'mon tell a joke.

For we are girls that need some whirls and
happiness in being,
Win us all with comic sprawl
to chase you when your fleeing.

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You do funny things to me 
My hand always searching for yours 
My eyes looking for every opportunity 
To have your skin on mine 
But my lips are the worst 
In constant crave of a sweet kiss
That'll lingers till the next
Or a demanding fever of kisses
Causing moans to 
Consume the silent air 

You do funny things to me 
Just the thought of your touch
Leaves me breathless and 
Causes a stampede 
Of heart beats in my chest
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some ****ed in the mouth, put blades
He was not absurd
to give us words.
we have given ourselves
to appear more beautiful
to love otherwise
to be perfect
we do not feel alone
+ need to explain
why and how, etc.. 
all are funny
and finally I do not understand 
Where is He in all of this!?

Can it and shout:
Oh, my God!
but I must take care
to pray
not be afraid
to forget all the words
me to stay away
because some of they make a love of this things
just for them.
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It’s funny, I think.
We had the talk.
I wrote about it
But the words never fit.
Still, I wrote.
Just to remember
As much as I could.

It’s funny because…

You said you’d never do that
If you’d known my stance.
As far as you’re aware
My feelings haven’t changed.

But you kissed me anyway
Not that I minded.
I just wish I’d asked
What made you do it.

But asking that
Would have crushed the moment.

And currently,
I’m addicted 
To the soft caress
Of your kisses.
Details | Acrostic |

Friends Acrostic a Special Poem For Darren Watson

Funny comments on our poems got us working together
Really love receiving your mail
I laugh every time we collaborate
Even though we’re both male* (JOKE)
Never dreamed of a friendship so strong
Don’t know if we will ever meet
Soul mate on Poetry Soup

Jan Allison
16th April 2014

* This refers to our collaboration poem 'Our first meeting in the Isle of Man' where I started off as JAN BUT had Previously been STAN 


Darren has written me a poem so I felt I had to reciprocate
Details | Prose Poetry |

Weird Dream

Scary, funny and unbelievable scenarios show up there All my crazy friends dancing while there's a fire on their back Moreover, you come up to our place With some snacks and I collapsed there itself While I be sleeping with a pillow on my bed Then I wake up on my bed Actually finding you beside me I still can't get what was my dream And I remember every meaningless part Just to convey everyone who was there while we were actually asleep So that we laugh hard and make ty memories
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The Way You-

I get that feeling in my tummy
When you smile all funny.
Your a dorky boy 
And a great friend.
I know our relationship will never end.
You crack jokes every time you get a chance.
And when I see your texts I want to sing and dance.
Your cheesy moves.
Your sooooo smooth
And you make me smile...alot.
And you know exactly what to say.
So you've got a pretty good shot.
7 more days before I'm home, and resting in your arms
800 miles away and you still have your charm.
I like how you tease me.
I love the way you joke
To me your...perfect.
And to me that's no joke
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I usually find the taste of coffee
Far too bitter for my taste
But this mocha is smooth 
And so sweet

Warm on my lips
And rushing hot on my tongue
Flooding my body with heat
And making me want more

I feel more awake with every sip
But can never get enough
Since mocha coffee is addictive
And if the taste is slightly bitter too

I want it all the more

Author's Note: Do I really like coffee? No. Like the smell, like the ice cream, but tastes icky.
No, this poem is talking about a person. This was written to tease him.
It's funny because he's mocha colored :)
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Bandit Rap Rhyme

I am a cat
I sittin on a couch
I wear a mask
My names BANDIT
Ain't nothin wrong wit tat

I got it made
As I rest along side this plaid pillow
I'm a distinguished kitty with fan mail just chillin
Most can't handle it
Got my own Facebook account

Rub my belly and I'll "PuRR"
You'll find me on the couch or in the kitchen
I'll never go outside, I stay indoors
"Meow, meow" I know yall can't stand it
Cause I'm living the life of a BANDIT


FOR CONTEST:  Picture Prompt Contest Write Me Something Funny
Sponsored by:   Julie Leigh Rodeheaver
Details | Light Verse |

On Your Behalf

Serious things, funny things,
you don't know the good you bring.
You tell me things you'd tell no other.
The right things you say, one after another.

You made me laugh so hard,
I sheded tears of laughter.
I quickly sent you my fond regards,
in hopes I'd see you shortly thereafter.

I'm sorry to hear of you distress.
You must of been in one heck of a mess.
Hands and fingers were not meant to be glued.
How on earth are you to eat your finger food?

You make me smile,
you make me laugh.
You make me feel worthwhile.
You give me all your time and a half.
So I wrote this poem on your behalf.
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You Have To Hand It To Couched Bandit

You Have to Hand it to Couched Bandit

There's a cat just like me
A couched bandit on the spree
Her raccoon eyes hankering for more grub
... and another belly rub
Did I say with baby oil?
For she pre-purrs to be spoiled
Carte blanche in her pocket
Bells and whistles on her docket
For the remote control is hers
The newspaper she'll read first
The conversation she'll hoard
Wield, wield her mighty sword
Fur, fur the couch is all hers
That ... should I say, she pre-purrs
This epiphany glistens !!!
Honey, honey are you listening?


Picture Prompt Contest: Write Me Something Funny - Poetry Contest
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Without You

The sky is dark, the stars are bright, 
And so passes by another night, 
Lonely and forlorn, leaving me to
Get through another day without you. 

Everything seems to be going right, 
Life has never been as carefree and light, 
But this joy soon ebbs away like dew, 
Because it's all incomplete without you. 

To have of you, one fleeting sight, 
Scale oceans and countries, I just might, 
It's funny what love makes us do, 
But I'd do it if it makes me worthy of you. 

Of the distance between us inspite, 
I yearn to hold you close and tight, 
While dreams sprout in my heart anew, 
Under this moonlit sky, I wait for you.
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Just a Single Red Rose

Just A Single Red Rose

Just a single red rose
Centered in a clear vase
Symbolizes your love for me
Keeping my heart beating in a perfect pace
Darkness is no longer a lonely place

Just a single red rose
Surrounded by babies breath would symbolize
Your passion and tenderness I feel with every kiss
The warmth of your hands touching my face
As you hold me in your arms, feeling your embrace

A single red rose...
The vividness of color expressed of a TRUE love
Baby, I thank my lucky stars and to God above
For giving me a chance at finding my wonderful man

So passionate
So gentle
So funny
So kind...
Because darling, you are TRULY one of a kind!
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My Huck

You are fine with your clothes off or on. That’s what I tell my man when we alone. Your body is tight with skin olive bright. I see you even when I close my eyes at night. Your eyes are hazel brown. You are as handsome as a clown. When you exert, your biceps makes me take a deep breath Samson. Don’t cut your hair and lose the strength. This is your best emphasis. Your muscles enhance everything. Hugs and kisses on the lips. So firm, can’t get enough of them. We are lovers afflicted. ________________________________/ Sponsor: POETESS DARKLY Contest Name: Funny Face Entry Date: March 14, 2014 Motif: Best Features
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One From the Dark Side

He is one of those from the dark side,
But he is so different from the rest of them.
He isn’t full of anger, dishonesty, or pride.
If he cares for you, he would treat you like a gem.

He keeps those close to him out of harm’s way,
And make sure that they are never sad.
He is good with the children, and will always play;
He is patient with them, and never gets mad.

He is helpful and kind, even if sometimes quiet.
He is funny and full of joy, unlike all of his kin.
While they stir up chaos, he puts down the riot.
He truly has a kind and full heart within.

Though he’s often judged for coming from there,
The dark side didn’t ever seem to affect him.
A man as good as him is really quite rare,
Even here on the light side, where the sky’s never dim.
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Happiness, Finally

We were not sudden
Neither are we planned
But all of it happened
After so many nights in a stance

We lose ourselves to anything
I have lost myself in you
Funny how life had played us
Now I’m happy, are you?

The late night eat-outs
The long scooter drives
The movies at dawn
Happiness fazed me

I’ve already given in
Glued my eyes to yours, I’m blinded
My past, our past, let’s blow them away like dust
Destiny, regardless. We are not the norm. 

If you ask if we can make this last
I’ll tell you a story that never ends
Together, let’s be sad and happy
You are my EDGE, as I will be your HANGOVER

Life with you will be an imperfect balance
I love you, even if we’re troubled
Even if it doesn’t make sense
I love you… and for loving me… Thank You.
Details | Blank verse |

The Shallow Depth of Deep

I just realised my eyes were opened
To a reality they have been seeing
Still not knowing what to do
About something I know am doing

And delving into a serious depth
On a surface so deeply shallow in the deep
It marvels me beyond a memory in a flash
But still I see what I see with my eyes blind to the clearly obvious

Tell me what it takes to stand out
And I will show you a lonely road out
Tell me what it takes to have great ideas
And I will show you how crazy wonky you could seem in my eyes

Its a lonely road to the platform of greatness
But its funny how obvious you seem from the top
They only see a tip of the iceberg
But can never see how deep you went down

The deeper you go in the depth of a height 
It becomes so high in the deep,
The higher you go in the height of a depth 
It then becomes so deep in that height
Details | I do not know? |

If I Blink

If I blink, would you blink?
If you blink , would I blink ?
If we blink, would we blink at the same time?

If I blink, I would miss a moment of your funny face
If you blink, You'd miss a moment of my lovely funny face
If we blink, we would miss out on one another

If I blink, you may vanish
If you blink , I may be gone
If we blink , we could diminish 

If I blink, I could miss your disturbing gesture's
If you blink, you would miss my funny face I be making back 
If we blink, what will we do to amuse each other?

If I blink, what would I do without your dramatic irony?
If you blink , who would call me Drama Queen?
If we blink, what kind of drama will we strive without?

If I blink, you could be gone
If you blink, I could be gone
If we blink , both of us would be gone?

If I blink , Would you blink?
Dare to miss a sec within a blink
Details | Free verse |

Trusting You

It's funny, she thinks.
Funny how you were the one
Begging to be trusted;
Showing offense
in realizing that she didn't.

It's funny, she thinks,
And here's why:

You begged her to trust you
And as the days grew on,
She did exactly that.
But now she's sitting here,
Waiting patiently for your return.
And she's holding on
To a hope that seems futile.

She's crying herself to sleep,
Every single night
Praying you return to her
As you promised you would.
Because when you begged her to trust you,
And she finally did,
You became an important factor in her life,
While to you,
She was nothing but a pass of time. 

You meant the world to her, 
But you couldn't even give her the time of day.

It's funny, she thinks,
How pathetic she is.
If you were to come back,
She'd accept you in a heartbeat
Because she still trusts you,
And she'll always be waiting.
Details | Light Verse |

Feminine and Macho Hats

Two hot "hat" contests on the soup
one for women and the other for men group,
just the name of the hats are original and funny
implying the two genders a-hem anatomy,

They both have axes to grind you can tell
they want you to rant and get mad as hell,
saying I'm from Venus while he's from Mars
while chasing each other to be feathered and tarred,

What they really both need is Aretha Franklin
singing out of respect for each sex over the din,
having them hold hands while she belts out her tune
R-E-S-P-E-C-T she will loudly croon,

Then they'll be huge hugs all around
both sexes hanging up their hats grooving to the sound,
Aretha being awarded for the Nobel Peace Prize
with no more I want to kill you looks in their eyes,

Just some poking fun from me
it doesn't matter if you disagree or agree,
what you'll vent about will be interesting
just hope it doesn't start WW3! :)

Details | Ode |

Sad Boy

Such a sad boy
With sparkling eyes of blue
Mournfully full of pain
For the love he once knew
Torn apart by life and love
Left to forge another way
Not knowing how to simply breathe alone
Much less go on another day

I remember a time of difference
In this sad boy with eyes of blue
The world was all his at his feet
Back then, love wasn’t something really true
Those eyes held a sparkle
A happiness and surety walking tall
With all the girls falling over him
It was always funny to watch him turn in retreat

Now life has had its evil way
Of turning his heart sour
Telling him he’ll forever be alone

You are a rare beauty
Inside and out
You are my friend
Have always been, 
I have this to smile about

But when will my sad boy find his smile
Will it be soon or maybe awhile?
All I know is I am your friend
And will be here from now 
Until the end.

Book: Shattered Sighs