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You searched Exact Keyword(s): friendship in category: for her and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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- Friendship Is Love Without Wings -

Friendship is precious, not only when you are sad, but also in sunshine

6/10 - 2016
Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

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Desert Flower

I'm half friend,
I'm half suitor,
My mind controls the friendship,
My heart rules the rest.
Hope you understand.
Where you are concerned,
it's the best I can ever be.
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I came across a daisy
That made me think of you
Even though you're my sister
Our friendship surely grew
When I look upon the daisy
With its sunny hue
Reminds me of your smiling face
The happiest person I knew.
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At Sunset

inside with my friend
she takes orders at other tables
before coming back to me
outside silhouettes burnt
against orange skies
neon lights in windowpanes
when the day fades
a friendship of years
passing conversations
the day contained in sentences
she stands near
moments of silence
near the front door
I wait for words emblazoned
setting fire to our world
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A Touch of Sunshine

I want to know that i think you are a 
wonderful person
That your friendship has added a touch of
sunshine to my life
Sometimes I feel as though I have known you
for years
Because there is a certain trust and comfort
when we are talking 
That lets me know that in you, I have found
a true friend
I want to thank you for being the special person
that you are
and for adding...a touch of "Sunshine" to my life

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Three Roses

We started off just as friends 
And at first I wasn't sure
But as time passed the looks we shared
I realized there was more

First I gave a white rose
Each petal bright and pure
I realized you were like no friend
That had ever come before

Then came a pink rose
To signify a change
My feelings grew ever more
Yet our friendship still remained

And as I gave a red rose
I confessed my love to you
Love blossomed from the smallest seed
Unknowingly it grew
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Treasured Moments

To smile at someone for no reason when you look at them, is when you know the feeling is mutual

To talk to someone where the field is always open, that's when you know you have encountered moments of trust

To know that your heart hurts for someone, is when you know your in love and your love for them is unending regardless of the situations you may go through

To have a strong and healthy friendship, is when you know that they are always on your side just like your on theirs'
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Online Friendship

Different skies 
Different sunlight
You wish me good morning
as I wish you good night 
We met in the middle of time
Where you shared your life
And I shared mine 

Different places
Different traditions
You have given me friendship 
With no restrictions
Same heart, same mind
Two souls instantly twined
And even though we can not 
sit face to face
In my heart you will hold 
a special place. 

Our souls may not be together 
But they are joined at heart
I believe finding you is bashert.
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Late Valentine Messege

It's Valentine's Day so we will celebrate.
As Love devours and conquers hate.
When two become one, it's wonderful and great.
Love is in the air and there's no debate. 
When Cupid shoots his arrow in each person's heart.
Right then and there the relationship will start.
There's nothing better than Friendship and Love.
Just like Heavenly Rain that comes from up above.
Let us all love each other in a special way. 
Blessings to All and Happy Valentine's Day.

Inspired by Boyd Browning, My uncle
Happy Valentines Day
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Special K


Devour loneliness
Destroyed being misunderstood
She was eagerly accepted into my fold
Brought in from a harsh winter
Desolation -  wet and cold.

Love likewise abstention
A lucky spontaneous introduction
No friendship – nothing so false
Glass shards and a detruding splinter
The faithfully real make a decision

A brand new connection accompanies recent loss
Empathetic spell – cast of protection – sympathetic lover
The forgetting and forgiving of another
The callused call of a brutal reflection
A vicious cycle, all the cover, uncounted cost.
Details | Quatrain |

Your Pull

Your Pull
by Michael R. Burch

for Beth

You were like sunshine and rain—
begetting rainbows,
full of contradictions, like the intervals
between light and shadow.

That within you which I most opposed
drew me closer still,
as a magnet exerts its unyielding pull
on insensate steel.

Originally published by The Lyric

Keywords/Tags—Love, Magnet, Magnetism, Pull, Attraction, Opposites Attract, Desire, Lust, Crush, Electricity, Chemistry, Alchemy, Physics, Physical, Body, Lodestar, Compass, Needle, True North, North Star, Relationship, Relationships, Affinity, Compassion, Friendship, Engagement, Marriage
Details | Prose Poetry |


I guess I didn't realize how much of an 
impact you made in my life.
How your laugh was more contagious than
a yawn, or how your hugs felt like coming 
home to your warm bed from a long road
I guess I didn't realize how incredibly
strong our friendship was even from two
different worlds.
I guess I didn't realize being different 
and from those distant worlds, our perfect
life would tear apart. 
The one where you're by my side
and I'm by yours.
Like it always had been.
I guess I just now realized you helped me
I hope you finally realize that I'm sorry and
that I tried.
I tried.
I really tried.
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If Scented Candles Were Stairsteps

if scented candles were stairsteps,
then i would lead you to a clawfoot tub
the water would be lukehot with a pinch of moderate cold
i would kiss you softly and cater to you until the middle reveals herfself
once there, your mischievous smile will guide me from there
however, i think i know the way by now
your less than bashful moans along with your strategic movements are obvious indicators
i enjoy your friendship
i appreciate your promotions
i cherish your soft, intelligent presentation
i love All That Is You.....
if scented candles were stairsteps,
then it would lead me The Perfection of Heaven that is You.....
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Friends With Benefits

Your friends with benefits are no true friend:
as (au contraire!) your friends when used are a
perverse weed from which you must then defend
against when trust and friendship sweep away;
your friends aren't lovers' toys to be abused
or spent on reckless nights of screwing (them)
where prudence is forsaken and unused
because you just feel like it on a whim.
But if you choose to love your now good friend(s)
then do so at your own risk and danger  
as oftener than not you'll in the end  
only create just another stranger:
     if you err in this but ne'er broke your word, 
     then this you may forswear you read or heard.
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My Love For Her, Her Friendship For Me

Staring into her dazzling eyes, seeing so much beauty that can hold in one person, I see 

my life with her in my dreams, my love for her stretches far beyond this world, and yet so 

far away to reach her, thousand other men want her, but she only needs one in her life, 

my love for her is so strong that my heart can barely contain itself, our friendship is what 

we cherish the most, one wish if given to me, for her to have a happy life, if I am not in 

her life, I wish for her to never stop amazing the world, I will never let go of our 

memories, our memories will last until the end of time, if I had one wish, one simple 

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I Wish You Were My Sister

We are not related, but you are always there To lend me support, I’m so lucky that you care When my husband had surgery and was so very ill Your friendship was amazing and you are here for me still My family in particular gave me so little support You stepped in with shopping and little gifts that you brought I have found a true angel and her name is Chris If I could chose a relation then I'd have you for my sis We can’t choose our family but we can choose our friends I hope our friendship lasts forever until our life ends Contest:- When older or younger siblings step in Sponsor:- Eve Roper 12~ 28~15
Details | Ekphrasis |


Your hand
As so inclined
Am I to show that love refined
Itself to friendship

Yet in that lowly
Friendly act
There still remains the simple fact
As lips touch skin

Respectful blessing
Is released
And worried brow becomes uncreased
For lips they linger..

Just a while..
To transfer more than just a smile
They wish to walk the extra mile
From wrist 

To forearm
Where friends desist
And love walks slowly from the mist
And yet..

This happens
In the mind
Forgive the drift from 'love refined'..
As thought constrained 

And locked away
In hopeful future such love remains
A warmth, cold daytime life detains
In daydreams
Details | I do not know? |

A Life Unanswered

How is it
You were completely unaware
That the innocence that laced 
The edge of my being was 
Brutally unraveled 
each time you spoke my name?
Why is it 
that the feelings that were 
for you never found their way 
across my lips to caress you 
as they should have?
When was it that I 
finally succumbed
to my inevitable truth?
That as I long for you,
You course through her
Because I never learned
to fight for 
what I wanted.
How can it be that
though I tried,
I was never the one 
who lit you up like 
July fireworks 
I was nothing more to you 
than the whisper of a friendship 
that had no meaning.

rebecca vitale
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Tears On the Wind

Tears On The Wind

Tears on the wind glisten in the light of day
Rolling droplets, prisms of swirling colors stay
Lifted to announce at first, a sad story
My charming friend who died in glory
A special human being
A soul who gave to everyone her everything
Shining life glows on those nourishing tears
Fills us at first with grief
Followed by the warming quenching relief
A thirst for life
Honoring a life that never fades away again
Tears merge with sun light on the droplets of soothing rain
Take on a new life to feed the oceans, plains and grounds
And like our friendship, nourished, it remains forever found 

                                                            5/27/14 Tears On The Wind contest
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Friendship and the Aisle

My friend that I always come to when I'm in trouble, 
I'll never leave your side till I become rubble, 
You light me up everyday, 
In any imaginable way,

I thank you for everything you've given me, 
The times I talked to you with glee, 
Today I'm gonna tell you something new, 
Something that I only keep in my own point of view, 

I love you ,
I really do, 
You're everything to me, 
But I know that we can never be, 

This is unfair, 
I've always thought of you with care,
Now that you know this it's tearing you apart,
I'm not joking and I'm telling you all of this with all my heart,

I'm never gonna leave you,
Only if I'm just a friend to you I'll accept that too, 
Nothing's changing my path not even your denial,
I'll love you until I meet someone who I'll have to wait for at the end of the aisle.
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Unwritten Friendship

I meet you from world wide web..
You and me shared: "hi's & hello's"..
Asking questions that pops out from our mind..
Answering without further adieus...

I did not mean to be close to you...
I did not mean to dream we could meet..
I did not mean to like you...
Even I did not mean to miss you..

Days, months has passed by...
I didn't have any glimpse of you...
All I have are liquid pictures of You...
Not on a hardcopy but embedded in me..

I wish we can sit, share a meal..
I wish we can personally talk, leading to a deal..
I wish we can do this, not only in wheels..
Rather through long hours waking real..

My friend, I might not have seen you..
I might not have been always with you..
but, take into your mind...
Unwritten it maybe, We always have that bond: "FRIENDSHIP"..

by: olive _eloi
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Resounding Reciprocity

your friends hardly recognize you
your vitiligo  so effected your self esteem
we all got together to make a spotlight day for you
for once you cry happy tears when you tell us you feel beautiful
i then recite a poem for you while a crown is put on your head
you sit at the head of the royal table still in shock and disbelief
as i attempt to bow at your royal feet, you stop me halfway
you brush your lips against mine and tell me Love Is King and God Is Love today
you then take my hand and we go to our little secret place
here skin and looks do not matter....only friendship and admiration
you brush your lips against mine again and whisper a thank you in my ear
i tell you beauty is in the eyes of the beholder of friendship and doing unto others
it was our turn now to give a little something to exclamatory THANK YOU....
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Never Met a Dream Come True Such As You

never met a dream come true such as you
once again God proved me wrong and proved that His Word is True

you showed me a different way to view this abstract world
you made me be still and look when all i did was trample, flip, fall, and twirl

the passion of your sincerity hit me in the head like a tasteful flavor
for the first time in my life i felt as if i was truly in God's Favor

the journeys and the excursions are amazing adventures i will never forget
i pray to God that we will have more experiences that we will never regret

once upon a time i thought the picture in my head was the correct assumption 
now i know that true beauty is defined by the simpler ways that i am able to function

with that i say thank you from the most sincere part of my heart
with the hopes that our unique bond and friendship is infinite and our foundation will never part
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Let Her Go

How is it not me I could have only illusioned my hopes, to feel her response if only so, I, I love her and she does not! Another has her heart if only he never exist for me a better chance... I love her, but she cannot. To say anything possible for her to come my way, I, love her. She is too happy with him for me to steal her happiness I can only painfully say. If any adjustments I could make how fast I would, I can only love her... A fight for her is not what she would want, I will respect her desires I can only painfully say... She will never fade in my thoughts because she was suppose to be mine yet fate does not agree and I can only sit there and remain in sorrows at its greatest, I would rather see her happy then fake with me... I cannot allow friendship between us fore my heart will not contain and will it say it's true feelings... I, love her if only she ever fade away.
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Written by: Alexis Young      
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Out Of Nowhere


When I first saw you
my heart didn't melt,
To be quite honest I 
don't know what I felt.
Now days have turned to
You have been there for me
through much heartache and
Then out of nowhere I was madly
and deeply in love,
Because I realized you  were a true 
friend and a gift from above

Out Of Nowhere


When I first saw you
my heart didn't melt,
To be quite honest I 
don't know what I felt.
Now days have turned to
You have been there for me
through much heartache and
Then out of nowhere I was madly
and deeply in love,
Because I realized you  were a true 
friend and a gift from above

Book: Reflection on the Important Things