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Daffodil Flower Poems

These Daffodil Flower poems are examples of Flower poems about Daffodil. These are the best examples of Flower Daffodil poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Daffodil Yellow
When my earthquakes everything I'm trying to circus balance on my last ounce of positive will the Jenga begins to fall 
But there are a...

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Categories: flower, cute love, daffodils, feelings,

Premium Member Flower Footles
A Rose
Most chose

A Lily
So frilly

A Peony
Bee honey

A Hibiscus
Bloom discus

A Lilac
Purple crackerjack

A Daffodil
Yellow thrill

A Wave Petunia
Will rave Ah

A Begonia
So bona

A Daisy
Sun crazy

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Categories: beauty, flower,

Premium Member Hyacinth and Daffodil
    Hyacinth and daffodil
      bloom on yonder verdant hill

    Though roses struggle to emerge

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Categories: flower, grief, music,

Premium Member Daffodil
I’m a lovely daffodil, yellow like the sun.
See me in my garden spot; I’m the mellow one.
Nearby are my tulip friends; how I love their...

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Categories: flower,


You may know me as Jonquil
My cousins are daffodil and narcissus
A fringed cup surrounded by petals 
Each combining white with yellow
The latter, a hue with...

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Categories: flower,

St David's Day in Wales
(the first day of March)

Am I as lonely as that cloud?
I kneel this early time of day.
The traffic’s quite thin now, not loud,
while I am...

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Categories: daffodils, flower, march, poems,

Premium Member Where is Spring?
There's been no respite from seasonal cold
With endless rainfall full of angry spite
Grey skies, enchanted clouds do not unfold
It seems as if nature has taken...

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Categories: flower, seasons, spring,

Premium Member Flower of Morning
pink marigold sun
in my corner of the sky
awaking vision

plum sky's buttercup 
at the sugar frosted pane
day's heartbeat speeds up

daffodil diamond
flower of pearl-orange dreams 
glittering and...

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Categories: beautiful, color, flower, morning,

Premium Member Daffodils
Daffodil catalogue
Dropped in my mailbox~yeah!
Dandy dancers in breeze
Dainty cups on display
Daydreamers can stash some
Dreams of fields bright yellow.
Decide use in winter...

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Categories: flower,

Premium Member Daffodil
Daffodill sheer trumpets
Dearest friendships you gift
Doused miles of sweet scent               ...

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© I Am Anaya  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: flower, friendship,

Premium Member Daffodil
Damsels in golden frocks,
Dance in warm Spring breezes.
Distinctive trumpet blooms
Dazzle the eyes after
Dreary Winter's grey gloom.
Delightful in bouquets,
Dangerous if eaten....

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Categories: beautiful, flower, spring,

Premium Member Daffodil
Delightful garden bloom
Dazzling colored flower
Delicate stemmed petals
Double-headed beauty
Decorates yards in Spring
Drink in its fragrant scent
'Daffodils' by Wordsworth...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: daffodils, flower,

Premium Member Daffodil
Dreamscape of daffodils
Designed in acrylic 
Depicts saffron smeared faith
Dawning of balmy views
Deep pink and purple hues
Drifting through musky air
Darling, you'll find me there...

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Categories: daffodils, dance, environment, flower,

Premium Member My Pretty Daffodil
In search of a garden flower in mid-February afternoon,
I stumbled in a little corner into a bunch of bulb flowers,
There were some bright yellow flowers...

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© Jay Narain  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: flower, daffodils,

Daffodil Brain
So peculiar
It springs up its head
On late Winter’s bed.  
This morning it was
That fence in my hand;

 I'm pulling on her
where put upon, few...

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© Paige Hind  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: flower, daffodils, dark, deep, earth,

Book: Shattered Sighs