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Soldier Fiction Poems

These Soldier Fiction poems are examples of Fiction poems about Soldier. These are the best examples of Fiction Soldier poems written by international poets.

The future - present in the past...
Travellers of time persisting.
Duality - a duel of vast...
In two with missions existing.

Cyborg out for termination.
Determination - soldier sent

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Categories: science fiction, violence, visionary,

In a Place Called Sun
Long, long ago in a village called Sun
Tales were told and stories were spun,
Near a campfire where sweet meats were cooked
And everyone listened whilst Mr...

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Categories: fiction, animal, inspirational love, spoken

Don'T Go Beyond the Ocean, Part Iv
...“For two years we tried, but ambushes came,
they hit and run, would not stand up and fight,
the meadows were deadly, the forests were hell,
wherever we...

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Categories: fiction, america, conflict, dark, future,

Don'T Go Beyond the Ocean, Part I
Sabati was eight years old on the day
that his grandfather told him to sit down,
there was a story that he had to share,
that he was...

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Categories: fiction, america, conflict, dark, future,

Robot Revolution
Abandon futile attempts to run
Behold the process has begun
Step toward your darkest fear
Let’s flip the switch to a new frontier

Penetrating deep within
Evacuate your mortal sin

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Categories: computer, dark, science fiction,

Premium Member Classified Part Four
I was hungry and headed to one of the tents that had been set up as a field kitchen and noticed Tim who came over...

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Categories: science fiction,

From John To Sarah

I received your message, Mother — 
and the courage you gave me,
served me well
Our terrifying fate, we have properly discerned:
the machines’ termination decree 

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Categories: fiction, death, feelings, leadership, science

Going Against Instinct

Pull the pin ... toss the live grenade
Observe the proximity calculations:
involuntary reflexive determination
of a laboratory dead hero being made

Another missing human genetic link
obtained from a...

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Categories: dark, science fiction, soldier,

Year 2423

I was born in the year 2423,
gestated in an artificial womb successfully
I drank the nutri-milk
from the dangling nubs on the synthetic tendril teat
I ate the...

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Categories: cute, future, science fiction,

Epilogue To Premature Cremation
Clandestine meeting between
the Orvatech Corp. and the Celestial Military Command
Date: 04.24.2258

General Avar, the High General: The third trial test run has been successfully
concluded. What are...

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Categories: horror, science fiction, soldier,

Premature Cremation
A sliver of bright light
seeps into the darkness
Echo of voices reverberate inside my head
I'm in limbo,
I can't move
Am I alive, am I dead?
I don't feel...

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Categories: fiction, anxiety, fear, horror, science

Premium Member This Life Force of the Unseen
What did you say?

I don't know what you mean!

We've come all this way!

There's something here unseen?

They've taken our control

They've taken over us

We're trapped in this...

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Categories: fiction, angst, anxiety, cry, dark,

Army Rangers Rescue Ufo Abductee
Up on  mountain top.
Just don't know how I got here.
Army Rangers  rescued me.
Says UFO kidnapped me.
Sure lucky I was let go....

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Categories: fiction, adventure, courage, freedom, hero,

The Duchess of Paradise
She's highly sophisticated and full of undefiled wisdom
Yet a crowned Duchess in a paradise kingdom
Quite a beautiful angel flying with black wings
Covered in gold jewelry...

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© Bill Kim  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: fiction, abuse, angel, art, beauty,

my pencil is a 
   soldier, wearing
      a big red hat on

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Categories: science fiction,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things