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Fi Poems - Poems about Fi

Fi Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fi to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fi.
Captain Nemo,
Captain Nemo, I; Captain Nemo from the silent darkness of the deep search for a rare lost treasure that vanished so very long ago. Keenly my periscope surveys the shores, scanning intently as through the dark of...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, cool, crazy, fantasy, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lo Fi Kitty Cyhydedd Hir
A kitty’s soft purr endearing murmur; Happiness so pure leads me to grin; That very slow blink, perfect nose so pink; My trusty sidekick knows how to win; You sleep beside me lounging lazily or run playfully; It doesn’t cease; Lo fi existence, no...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, cat, feelings, pets,
Form: Other

Premium Member Don't Trust The Sci-fi-ence
Way back a learned man tried to teach his Students, the treatment of using leeches. And to those who had doubting defiance, They were told to, ‘Just trust the science.’ After all what’s wrong with bloodletting, When good health is...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, hope, satire, science,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

75 Years
HEY HEY HEY No more fears How long was I out there Try 75 years. Drifting alone In the depths of space Far from earth And the human race. Your lucky to be here To tell you the truth Cos I ain't joking Cos this ain't...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, space,
Form: Rhyme
The Secret War
I've been in battles Never seen before All are top secret To documents I swore. Places so different No one has seen But when I got back I was told it was a dream. But I can remember running Running so fast Dodging bullets of...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, war,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Fee Fi Fo Fum
Echoes everywhere Stomp Stomp Who’s there? A Giant says he Being tall The Giants call I can destroy People are like toys Looking over the colony Think of me as your majesty King high above A tall tree My footsteps are my mark Traces of where I...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, adventure, allusion, art, books,
Form: Free verse
The Time Paradox
Moving forth and backwards In our own know three dimensions Is understood and simple It’s our basic comprehension. Yet adding in an axial fourth We become confused Time just keeps on ticking All our protests are refused. Gravity affects the...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, science, time, travel,
Form: Rhyme
Fi is my name Short for a title I can't rename Fi is not a note Two letters shorter than a mote A fiddler from Finland First son of a worker in hinterland I travel near and far With or without...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, friend, funny,
Form: Narrative
Beso Amore'
Diode Side pumped under water laser show! Off loaded. They stood by the ferry: watching and waiting. The ferry was a tempory ordeal: they were constructing a tunnel. And since this much attention all funded by S.S.W.Inc (secret Space WorldInc)...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, music,
Form: Ballad
The Internet
Internet, internet, internet It is neither a fishing net Nor a mosquito net But it caught everyone in its net. When the internet was invented New ways to connect were created. It changed the world very fast As it influenced people a...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, 4th grade, 5th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Fi Fi Was Sneaky
If She say's honey we, She means honey you. If She say's honey please, She means honey do. When She say's honey geez, Dude, it's getting brutal, hot tongue and cold shoulder, are Dinner, You Tool.. Don't run your mouth, it's only being foolish. Or...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, funny, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Wi Fi Frustration
Wi- Fi Frustration Technology is not my thing I know it can be great, but I don’t seem to have the time It gets me in a state. I write replies to be polite push send when I am done, and when...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, technology,
Form: Rhyme
Alien Whore
I went in and Sioja was ready for me. Before we started I introduced myself and put the cash on the table. Pay before enjoying the goods. Sioja was orange skinned and had purple hair....Read the rest...
Categories: fi, addiction, desire, lust,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fi, Fie Throe-Thrum
John B. Curtis put the chew in the gum * Three Stooges put the 'nyuk' in the 'nyum' ** Little Jack Horner stuck his thumb into plum ~ Now who snuck the rum into...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, confusion, giggle, silly, word
Form: Monorhyme
Shift Galactic
Shift Galactic The Space Turd was big As large as an abnormal man Three miles across By a million wide It moved here and there Splatting moons and planets Like a tennis ball Universal destroyer of crap Not caring who died Its death list was...Read the rest...
Categories: fi, death, extended metaphor, funny,
Form: Verse

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