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Danica Poems - Poems about Danica

Danica Poems - Examples of all types of poems about danica to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for danica.

A Perfect Rhyme
...Happy birthday, Nica Molin, The words are notably sublime; Every line that comes from within Delights you with a perfect rhyme. Topic: Birthday of Danica B. Molin (March 18)......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Quatrain

One Beautiful Lady
...D-elightful A-uthor N-icely I-mplements C-onnotation A-s O-ne B-eautiful L-ady I-n G-ladness A-ccepts C-omposition I-n O-ne N-ame Topic: Birthday of Danica F. Obligacion (November......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Natal Quotation
...D-elightful A-uthor N-icely I-nspires C-elebrant A-s B-irthday E-xpression R-ightfully A-pplies N-atal Q-uotation U-sing E-xcellence Topic: Birthday of Danica Beranque (November 18)......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Reader of Sublime Expression
...D-elightful A-uthor N-icely I-mplements C-omposition A-bout R-eader O-f S-ublime E-xpression R-ightfully E-ndorsing Y-early E-vent's S-weetness Topic: Birthday of Danica Rose L. ......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Regards In Acrostic Dedication
...M-y A-nnual R-egards I-n A-crostic D-edication A-pply N-ame I-n C-elebration A-s E-vent's S-weet M-essage A-dvances B-irthday E-xpression Topic: Birthday of Maria Danica Esmabe......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Message of Love
...D-edication A-pplies N-ame I-n C-omposition A-s M-essage O-f L-ove I-s N-oted Topic: Birthday of Danica Molin (March 15) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Essence of Name
...D-ivine A-crostic N-ote I-s C-omposed A-s S-cribe H-appliy A-pplies N-ame's E-ssence O-nce R-ighteous I-mpressive E-xpression N-eeds T-errific E-motion Topic: Birthday of Dani......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Light and Newness Again
...D-ark A-nd N-ight I-n C-hill A-void R-ays O-f S-un E-vading L-ight A-nd N-ewness A-gain Topic: Birthday of Danica Rose Laña (November 23) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Daylight After Night
...D-aylight A-fter N-ight I-s C-lear A-s O-pen B-eacon L-ets I-ts G-low A-ppear C-almly I-n O-bvious N-ewness Topic: Birthday of Danica F. Obligacion (November 18) ......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Day After Nighttime
...D-ay A-fter N-ighttime I-s C-ool A-nd B-eacon E-mits R-ays A-s N-ewness Q-uietly U-ses E-ffulgence Topic: Birthday of Danica Beranque (November 18) Form: Vertical Mo......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Tiny Firecrackers Grinning Wide
...Copyright 2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED POETIC LYRICS BY THOMAS LAM HSI Pride-ta-start...'n-bloom-ta...bloom...when-it's...'n-blue... Check-er/D...flags... Give...wa......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, absence, art, beautiful, blessing,
Form: Ballad
Journey's Fate
...My trip brought by situation I became a tourist To save my life This is my fate, yes! I am not a foreigner To be a stranger I imagine somehow I read history Our land shall be free To a......Read the rest...
Categories: danica, depression, history, holiday, hope,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Shattered Sighs