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Moonlight Dance Poems

These Moonlight Dance poems are examples of Dance poems about Moonlight. These are the best examples of Dance Moonlight poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Carpe Diem Dance
Carpe Diem 6-21-24
Carpe Diem Dance

What lives today, changes faces tomorrow,
    The breath of dance conundrum,
As days of clay crumble into mortality.

Wisdom’s alliterations

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Categories: dance, life,

Premium Member Sleepless Night
It’s 1:25 why oh why
Am I up at this hour
Did the phone ring 
Or was it a denim dream
Planted in mind like green flower

Earlier today...

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Categories: appreciation, dance, dream, feelings,

Premium Member Dancing
In his arms she danced 
her slender figure swaying 
moonlight shines above...

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Categories: dance,

Premium Member Sister Moonlight
Sister Moonlight in your glass slippers 

Come dance with me amongst the stars

We'll Pirouette by both the Dippers

And do the Waltz in front of Mars


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Categories: dance, moon, stars,

Shadows' Whispers
In the dance of shadows, secrets unfold,
A controversial tale, daring and bold.

A shadow's embrace, a silent connection,
Whispers of obsession, a hidden reflection.

Stalking in rhythm, a...

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Categories: dance, books, boxing day , bridal

Premium Member Venice, Italy, Finding your Own Strada


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Categories: dance, dedication, imagery, poetess,

Premium Member The Lady of the Lake
Like a bird with no nest in Spring, wandering from tree to tree  ~the young lady thought.
Like a sailboat with no sails,
adrift in the...

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Categories: absence, cute love, dance,

Premium Member In the hidden world, where dreams dance
In the hidden world, where dreams dance, 
I venture in search of concealed mysteries, 
Where the moon weaves tales in silver rays, 
And stars whisper...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: dance, dream,

Premium Member Lost Dreams
Synapses tickle each other
Is it just for fun 
Nearly a connection
But decide to knock-and-run

Like a colourful projection
On some passing cloud 
Or a whisper of protection

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© Sam Scott  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: blessing, color, dance, dark,

Premium Member Dance of Dreams
In the evening, on a moon lit sea
if you stand on the shore and admire
you will notice, not one, but a million twinkles

As the light...

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Categories: dance, dream, moon, sea,

When The Butterflies Dance To The Moon's Song
When the butterflies dance,
To the moon's song,
I smile and glance,
The song of love,
Sways In the sping breeze,
I wait for the one, whom I belove.

A promise...

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Categories: dance, love,

Between The Heartbeats
I twinkle with the stars of what,
What is the lapse between the beats of the heart?
If heartbeat is why I live, 
then why don’t I...

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Categories: dance, angel, heart, heartbreak, love,

Premium Member Fluttering in Moonlight
Their fluttering starts in moonlight
When Luna reaches zenith height
She croons as butterflies take flight
Magical night         Magical night


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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: butterfly, dance, moon,

Premium Member Butterfly Dancing
Billy was born,
On a light, breezy day,
In the splendor of Spring,
And a flowery display.

And his future was bright,
To be free of the leaf,
And the promise...

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Categories: dance, light, love, moon,

Premium Member Sprite Song
I gaze out of my open window, 
The cool night air, lifting my hair
I am watching the butterflies dancing in the moonlight, here, there,

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Categories: art, beauty, butterfly, dance,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things