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Dakota Poems - Poems about Dakota

Dakota Poems - Examples of all types of poems about dakota to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for dakota.
Josh Moore Sioux Falls South Dakota 2025
Idea of profit hope for snowflake March and November rain. Are you leading back to Rapid City or Pine Ridge? I was in the halfway house in Mitchell. Did you visit the Corn Palace or the...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Josh Moore Sioux Falls South Dakota 2025
Idea of profit hope for snowflake March and November rain. Are you leading back to Rapid City or Pine Ridge? I was in the halfway house in Mitchell. Did you visit the Corn Palace or the...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Josh Moore of South Dakota Why is God Love Jack?
Oval day broke and hunger looking for $5 meal Walk into the discount store. Food fossils line the shelves, with beverages stacked in dusty years and bread petrified with mold, hard for two weeks. Jesus...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, addiction, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

White Mongoose
Steel insulation warm thin hot smooth downy shepherd smoothness. Pistol clasps palms crystal misses birching basket weavers. Fluffy firm pedestals release hard deniers. Doldrum office charts demonstrating Appendages conceal resistance. Halcyon boogie board heroes. Greek play rehearsal. ...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, animal,
Form: Free verse
White Mongoose
Steel insulation warm thin hot smooth downy shepherd smoothness. Pistol clasps palms crystal misses birching basket weavers. Fluffy firm pedestals release hard deniers. Doldrum office charts demonstrating Appendages conceal resistance. Halcyon boogie board heroes. Greek play rehearsal. ...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, animal,
Form: Free verse

Spoon and smacks, a sweet screw and strap, Skank cucumbers, sugar's hammer bed; The donut hotdog, sausage swing to lap, A slide of neck, a drum of meat and head. Fur, nipples, pickles, bear, and bull do juice, The twine,...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, allegory, soulmate,
Form: Sonnet
Spoon and smacks, a sweet screw and strap, Skank cucumbers, sugar's hammer bed; The donut hotdog, sausage swing to lap, A slide of neck, a drum of meat and head. Fur, nipples, pickles, bear, and bull do juice, The twine,...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, allegory, soulmate,
Form: Sonnet
South Dakota by Joshua Moore
Four faces ten cows 40 people a river runs through it Aberdeen Rapid City Sioux Falls crops of corn soybeans hog factory ethanol highway interstate flat plains shadow of Rockies sparse vast country music cowboy hats pickups tractors American flag whackos jacks coyotes buffalo...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, america,
Form: Free verse
Storekeepers scatter salmon cool as cherries
snaps cowgirl Indian boyfriend The sound of buffalo meat on her teeth, Taste the smell of sleep, Cannabis wafting, Chew the diamond, steal the slipper, Call the captain and skinny dipper. The palm fronds climb. Squaw walks whiskey hills Eyes cracked wide...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, animal, color, corruption, crush,
Form: Free verse
A Threesome in Sioux Falls South Dakota Josh Moore
Whisper is jealous of Josh's black leather boots and Katie's fur lined boots, so they have a threesome to make up for it. They frolic in the moonlight, playing the oboe, xylophone, and vacuum, drooling...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, america, angst, beautiful, environment,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member What's the capitol of South Dakota
Made a cuppa coffee this morning Forgot about it I think I ate breakfast Can’t remember what I combed my hair Singular Musta brushed my teeth They’re back in my mouth I wear a shirt that reads “IF FOUND PLEASE RETURN” Socks that disagree with...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, age, funny, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
To Dakota
I want nothing more Than to see you smile On a cold winter's day. Because even with the wind howling, And the snow biting, It all stops When I hear your glowing laughter. And the tinkle of bells Play in the back of...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, beautiful, love, smile, winter,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Black Hills, South Dakota
Gigantic pylons of wind-carved granite Form astonishing pillars of natural wonder Sculptures to rival Borglum's finest faces Perilously perched along the winding trail Punctuating the Black Hills with awesome Commas of towering mystical totems Where once the proud Native Americans Roamed with...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, history, places, vacation,
Form: Free verse
After the Last Sun
miles away from any town deep darkness falls upon plains wayside conversations at the edge of a deserted highway in solitude poets and lovers new meanings sought a blank page seeks its verse stars and planets hide the world turns toward light revelations of...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, allegory, good night, nature,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Into the Badlands
Into the badlands we travel with hearts full of infinite hope. Ecosystem in this national park fosters four hundred species of life. Sedimentary layers of pink, tan and white look like soap. Into the badlands we travel with...Read the rest...
Categories: dakota, travel,
Form: Triolet

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry