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Crack Poems - Poems about Crack

Crack Poems - Examples of all types of poems about crack to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for crack.
Premium Member jumping on a sidewalk crack
I used to jump on sidewalk cracks when I was angry with my mother which was a lot of the time I spent my childhood feeling enraged feeling less than feeling like the one who was not the favorite for I was...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, mother daughter,
Form: Free verse
Apologists Crack Me Up
Apologists Are Too Funny Apologists have been saying for 2000 years, Jesus will return, you can dry your tears. But they have always been making this claim, About the truth of Christianity’s fame. They always fabricate a ridiculous excuse, That’s always...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, religion,
Form: Verse

Premium Member Your Face Won't Crack
Woke up this morning to brilliant sunshine What a way to start the day My spirits couldn't be higher Old Mister Sol and I go back a way When he drops by can't wipe off this grin From my very...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Your Face Won't Crack
Woke up this morning to brilliant sunshine What a way to start the day My spirits couldn't be higher Old Mister Sol and I go back a way When he drops by, can't wipe off this grin From my very...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, sunshine,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Addiction
Amber alerts won’t find you Diction slurred because you use Drugs enough to kill you dead Indigo soul please clear your head Carry your heart to the Son Two bullets shot from your gun In denial that you need help Onyx...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, addiction, angst,
Form: Acrostic

. thus the artist invented thuh pencil...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, art, beautiful, blessing,
Form: Epigram
Hunter Biden
From his mother’s womb One February afternoon and straight to the Situation Room Hunter Biden, we presume. His father, with his thoughtless clauses and pauses, Captured the most prestigious of offices. And angry was the Republican caucus. The Donald, he got jaundiced. And...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, america, celebrity, drug, funny,
Form: Political Verse
Under The Crack
"What are they looking at?" "the crack on the ground," whisper a silent voice from the airy throne; my heart kept spinning around, and the women in colored hats, says it is a...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, bible, business, caregiving, change,
Form: Narrative
Her wish for twilight till the crack of dawn
When the hot sun begins to drown in the deep mighty ocean, And the cool moon begins to rise from the high mountains in slow motion, She starts to fly away steadily with the gentle winds, As she...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, beautiful,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Crack In Putin's Armour
Is this the final crack in Putin's armour The world awaits in anticipation His murderous acts can no longer be tolerated The world no longer has the patience These low-life's will continue to gain power In an imperfect world we...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, character,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member You're Face Won't Crack
Woke up this morning to brilliant sunshine What a way to start the day My spirits couldn't be higher Old Mister Sol and I go back a way When he drops by, can't wipe off this grin From my very...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, happy,
Form: Rhyme
A Walk Through Rain's Crack Minichu
Rain with her wet slippers assail The senses affixed on my walls— Through its cloudy sight, a sun dial. Where pattering waxes to a haunting tune, Blew out the candle from under time— Cracks now wide in bright or dull...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, heart, introspection, light, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member You're Face Won't Crack
Woke up this morning to brilliant sunshine What a way to start the day My spirits couldn't be higher Old Mister Sol and I go back a way When he drops by, can't wipe off this grin From my very...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, simile,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Crack of Thunder Beach
crack of thunder beach clashing of hot and cold fronts clapping erasers splashing of dust molecules summer school is in session...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, storm,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Cosmic Crack
Tao of the Cosmic Crack flowing rivered crotch between Great White Father's polarizing zero-sum soiled soul And silently suppressed Black Hole non-zero curious potential double-circling integrity of spacious firm and resonant flowing pregnant possibilities Win/win bicameral dipolar co-arising deep rooted and wide crown branching karmic mountain/valley convex/concave co-passions Coinvested in...Read the rest...
Categories: crack, culture, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

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