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Heaven Brother Poems

These Heaven Brother poems are examples of Brother poems about Heaven. These are the best examples of Brother Heaven poems written by international poets.

Premium Member I Miss - What I Miss
I miss true friends,
today people want to have it their way.
I miss the ocean,
pretty blue waves with white caps.
I miss being a child,
when life was...

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Categories: brother, dad, friend, heaven, home,

Premium Member There Is No Heaven
Ask our beloved late brother John W. Ono Lennon
He would tell you straight: ‘There’s No Heaven’
People on Earth are lunatic, crazy and flashy
They destroy or...

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Categories: brother, imagination, in memoriam,

Premium Member The Wilderness
The Wilderness

The world around me
took my time away... 
and it tried to take 
everything else too, 
but that did not happen. 

Storms come and go,...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: brother, adventure, america, appreciation, creation,

Premium Member Stevie, Earth Angel
Stevie, Earth Angel

You were born blind
Eyes that could not see the beauty
Of your own sweet smile
Yet you saw beauty 
in the people who loved you

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Categories: angel, brother, caregiving, eulogy,

Kite of Luminous Splendour
.                        ...

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Categories: brother, beautiful, family, friendship, ocean,

Premium Member Our Family Legend Dale
One of the most influential and inspiration people I’ve ever known
Unexpectedly had his life stolen from him at 2:00 a.m as a
Random drunk driver struck...

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Categories: brother,

Premium Member BLACK AND WHITE
A lonely young girl,
dreams each night for a doggy.
A new furry friend to hold tight,
a new friend to play with.
Someone to love,
someone to care for.

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Categories: brother, child, friend, heaven, love,

Premium Member March
Quote By Poet  "March will start Spring off with a big smile."

March is a great time of the year,
they even serve green beer.


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Categories: brother, flower, fun, green, heaven,

Premium Member Mixed Poetry At Life's End
Life has a beginning and a end, 
for me when and where will it all end by friend. 
I wish I knew how many more...

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Categories: brother, crazy, family, friend, heaven,

Premium Member Musings of Love
Great love is like a heavenly moment,  
when one's heart will skip a beat.  
Love can come packaged in many boxes,  

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Categories: brother, flying, heart, heaven, jealousy,

My Brother
My Brother
Dear God,
You recently took my brother home,
He was ready,not a cry or moan .
I know you're listening, could you tell him ,
I love him...

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Categories: brother, death,

Christians could shine a light
Reading up on the crusades,
Gives me hope Christians will take off their blinkers,
And help Muslims come to terms,
With a new light, 
And a new right.


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Categories: age, allah, blessing, brother,

Premium Member Nameless
"A mother's love is made in heaven." Quote Written By Poet

She was a young and beautiful bride,
then her handsome husband died.
The fast car came out...

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Categories: brother, baby, happy, mom, parents,

Premium Member Dearest Brother

               Dearest Brother
We've been through both heaven and hell together.
From the...

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Categories: brother, eulogy,

Jesus and the Child of Grace
In an old vineyard 
When Jesus was just a lamb 
His coat eight years old 
Working with the chaste Joseph 
His father and guide 

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Categories: angel, brother, child, children,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things