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Daughter Birth Poems

These Daughter Birth poems are examples of Birth poems about Daughter. These are the best examples of Birth Daughter poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Sonya Massey
Don't hurt me! 
I know my black skin blinds your rationality
But don't hurt me! 
I am a mother, I shouldn't have to birth your bullets...

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Categories: birth, death, faith, mother,

Premium Member Momma's Bible

The first time I saw her face, dripping water from stands of dark brown hair, eyes bright and innocent, she spoke to me, telling me...

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Categories: bible, birth, blessing, caregiving,

Birthday of beloved buxom babe I betrothed
Birthday of beloved buxom babe I betrothed

Pardon my hyperbole if in fact such embellishment can be sifted out amidst the pretentious poetry and/or prose NOT...

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Categories: anniversary, appreciation, birth, birthday,

Daughter-Becoming Mother
Hold each precious moment close, a whispered prayer, for in your heart, a tiny universe takes care. This is a time of magic, a dance...

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Categories: baby, birth, daughter, grandchild,

Premium Member Chapter 159-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Festive Family Time - same day
Date:  June  2051

Damian returned to buoyant activities 
Out to the front when he saw Ras Madan 
Approaching happily straight to
Damian. Damian was thinking...

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Categories: allusion, birth, black love,

Premium Member Mother's Child-
We were in the upper room
Mother's child 
In communication
He supplanted placing mine spiritual seed planting in the heavens
Me the placed seed
Mother's child 


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Categories: analogy, appreciation, birth, child,

Oi energize universal girth I whom am I Elohim creation birth heavenly skies heavenly body rain down through the channel the first thing I did...

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Categories: appreciation, birth, daughter, god,

What About Me?
I sit and look at my Father,
His silent cries when he looks at his daughter,
In the darkness of the night,
Battling the tribulations so that we...

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Categories: betrayal, birth, child, child

Bearing a Child
Within a garden, unseen yet so true,
A cosmos blooms beneath a mother's hue.
Bioluminescent butterflies take flight,
As constellations whisper through the night.

Here, shifting sands of emotion...

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Categories: birth, blessing, child, life,

Premium Member Patty by name
i took a poop into a green  pot
and planted plenty of seed
i then nurture it with my love 
And sprinkled in with my pee...

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Categories: birth, blessing, father daughter,

Premium Member Spring Ethereal Lanterns
"Ethereal Lanterns Poetry Contest"

Winter has gone to sleep,
fast asleep for another year.
Spring has opened it's eyes,
for a new season.
The cold of the winter,
has turned into...

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Categories: beauty, birth, flower, friend,

Premium Member Chapter 152-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Honeymoon soon GROOM?
Next day   2051

Molly Holly were on their honeymoon 
With Damian and privately disagreeing at their
Table, about who was who and was
Unknown to them...

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Categories: absence, allusion, birth,

Premium Member Chapter 151-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Pt 1 This Day This Family
Date: April  1,   2051

  air planes departed in flight
 1 hour and 15 minutes
Between them. The trip was 7 hours
And approximately...

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Categories: africa, allusion, birth, child,

Through The Neck Of A Broken Bottle
I met my daughter 7 days ago,
I saw her little face through the neck of a broken bottle,
One I’d thrown at her quivering mother,
In an...

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Categories: birth, abuse, addiction, anger, angst,

My Daughter
My delight at the day's summit
My strength when despair looms
My happiness in every season
My daughter, my life 

The morning sun's gentle rise 
The rainbow midday's...

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Categories: birth, birthday, daughter, girl,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things