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Best Child Abuse Poems

Below are the all-time best Child Abuse poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of child abuse poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Violin Notes Fall From Heaven No More
Her trembling twilight 
dims with streaking purple tears
bruised by youthful years of bleeding pain
hurting but never hugged --
locked in the arms of atmosphere’s apathy
that smeared...

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Categories: child abuse, death, Lullaby,
Form: Free verse

You'Ll Be a Mountain
I know its hard to imagine now
But some day you’ll be the key and not the lock
The exception not the rule
Some day you’ll be a...

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Categories: anxiety, bullying, child abuse,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Bruises and Broken Bones
May God bless all, of the children, 
and ease their mortal pain.
I trust that you have your reasons, 
and this life has not been in...

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Categories: child abuse,
Form: Rhyme
You'Re Worthy of Love
You're worthy of love

I see the scars, you're hiding deep within
they're not visible, upon your skin
you don't even know, how you could begin
to feel worthy...

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Categories: abuse, addiction, child abuse,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Cry For Wind
Fly so fast, cry for wind
Carry me between your wings
Me, me, tiny, olive skinned
Blood of beggars, blood of kings

Lost forever, never found
Roar your cry across...

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Categories: child abuse, analogy, animal, beautiful, bird,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member The Wall
Winnie, wild-eyed, went insane
and sang “Happy Birthday” in the rain, 
while she washed away her bloody pain.

Now all day long she sings that song,
she sings...

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© Eric Cohen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: child abuse, birthday, character, child, child
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ba Ba Bad Shepherd Boy
Watery eyed thoughts came,
Zap! Pow!  a short circuited brain.
Inward turned burned ocular pain,
too many thoughts to restrain 
I’m a cheap sheep making my mistakes...

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Categories: child abuse, angst, anxiety, betrayal, child
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Life As Poetry
"My Life as Poetry"

When the Lotus Eaters at Loon Junction barked
I ignored their confused chicanery
closed the gates behind me

I dropped one tear
in your sedentary ocean

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Categories: child abuse, poetry, strength,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Vanilla Pudding
nobody sees you the way I do
in your wheelchair
with your unopenable arms
where everything crashes to a gray twisted landscape

my brother
alpha male
of demon strut clashes
in our...

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Categories: child abuse, angst, bullying, caregiving, child
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Between Your Words
Between Your Words

I tried my best 
to live between your cruel words
Yet there was no room
I felt less
smaller than small
Like a comma that didn't fit

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Categories: child abuse, abuse, angst, character, child
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Forgiving the Unforgivable
(Lights dim, single spotlight illuminates the speaker, dressed in simple attire. Voice starts trembling, building in intensity)

Can forgiveness mend
a childhood, mine 
fractured in the dark?...

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Categories: child abuse, father son,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Impeach
Merry Impeachness

Justice delayed however symbolic
the orangutan finally won his award
for corruption and dereliction of duties
the constitution used to apply to all

the orange leach
Lucifer has more...

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Categories: america, child abuse, evil,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Shadow To Shadow

Shadow to shadow, shade to shade
In youth the Eden where you played
was left bereft, destroyed, decayed,
by trusts malignant masquerade

Shadow to shadow, shade to shade
No grass...

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Categories: abuse, betrayal, child abuse,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Curious George
I remember Christopher Robin
When helping Pooh find honey
Was my biggest problem
I remember the blustery days
We trusted each other in every way

I remember When we helped...

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Categories: adventure, child abuse, childhood,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Veil of Evil - Jimmy Savile
Oh, if only ...

If only monsters ...
LOOKED like monsters.
If they lurked ONLY in the dark,
Glowing red eyes and chiseled teeth ...
Claws and horns and forked...

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Categories: abuse, anger, child abuse,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs