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Life Ballade Poems

These Life Ballade poems are examples of Ballade poems about Life. These are the best examples of Ballade Life poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Prince's Adoptees
"I have been a stranger in a strange land."  Bible, Exodus 2:22

[X]X[X]  *  X[X]X  *  [X]X[X]  *  X[X]X...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: abuse, bullying, corruption, fate,

Premium Member Break the mirror
“Hush the blush oh hermit, why needless rush ~
Shift from head to heart, let love and light gush”

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Categories: spiritual, truth,

Premium Member To Which Image Should We Cling

“We have been here a thousand times before
Memory erased, each time we begin anew
Of hands held tenderly, we’ve lost the score
Each embrace virgin...

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Categories: faith,

Hope is a Bird Wordless that Sings
I watch first rains on dusty countryside, 
And know, no pathways etched are by despair, 
And yet, hope comes like first showers to guide, 

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Categories: hope,

Premium Member A Ballade of Easter
Leaves longing on settled limbs, tongues of green
savoring sweetened rays of saffron Sun,
claim this crowning hall a new day to be.
Mother's morning prayers hath long...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allusion, analogy, appreciation, beautiful,

Premium Member Knowing by becoming
Each morn we ready ourself for a bout
Flouting laws of God without feeling shame
Conscience that once whispered, begins to shout
But we heed it not, unable...

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Categories: spiritual, wisdom,

Premium Member The Caring Bridge
I crossed over this caring bridge the sun shined 
so bright I hardly noticed the humvee at the light 
signaling green to go and what...

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Categories: baptism, beautiful, bible, memory,

It's time
I hear the watch.. Tick tock.. Tick tock in my ear
Trying to figure out why time makes me fear
Maybe its cause im scared of the...

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Categories: anxiety, care, depression, emotions,

Premium Member Mr excessive force
He enters the neighborhood bitter 
from cold cases old grudges and gripes 
his musty breath is shallow stone cold 
coming from his angry nostrils transferred...

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Categories: america, anxiety, dark,

Premium Member What are we manifesting
The need to create is born in our heart
But heart’s desire is hijacked by ego
We see clearly head and heart stand apart 
So cause of...

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Categories: creation, introspection, spiritual,

Premium Member Untitled Nightmare
Haunting night for writer's block decided to 
explore my writing endeavors awakened always 
at three am feeling overwhelmed from another night 
filled with words dancing...

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Categories: blessing, emotions, memory, miracle,

He waits
Am chained, in pain and he waits to quench his thirst.
He's known for his claws on his victims head 
I'm his only food ,alone in...

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Categories: anxiety, grave, high school,

Premium Member I Am Thinking of You Blessed Day Beloved-
Blessed Day Beloved 
Woman of God
Daughter of Jehovah
Good new day dear 
One as you begin 
This day you know 
That I am thinking of you

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Categories: analogy, appreciation, blessing, devotion,

I know it may seem crazy
Who am I not to dream
Who am I not to reach for the stars
Life is not as bad as one...

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Categories: 11th grade,

Premium Member Why Are We Here
"The soul comes from without into the human body
as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew ....
it passes into other habitations,...

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Categories: birth, death, life, spiritual,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things