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Ancestral Poems - Poems about Ancestral

Ancestral Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ancestral to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ancestral.
Premium Member Pictures of Ancestral Images
No colder winter's evening reawakens, in an abrupt glance, this memory from others already faded in the inattentive recollection of a son's mind; even insignificant moments are worthy of thought. A pubescent boy unlearned and precarious at giving advice, but...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, child, emotions, innocence, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Ancestral Land
In our land, there are no towering peaks, To guide our dreams to the heights one seeks. Even humble rocks resemble great hills, And groves seem like forests in their thrills. Our rivers don’t rush with a turbulent flow, They...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, home,
Form: Ballad

Premium Member On a rope woven from ancestral nightmares and the greed of shadow monsters
On a rope woven from ancestral nightmares and the greed of shadow monsters, I step with bare feet, while my thoughts dance chaotically in a penumbra, Between dream and reality, between sky and earth, between here and...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Spanish Ancestral Building
Midnight of October thirty first I jumped out of bed to quench my thirst As I groped my way down the huge kitchen An eerie coldness crept on my skin and then... When I fumbled the light’s switch on...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
May we be thankful for the gifts we inherited from our ancestors that never ending chain of people who came before us their gifts of love and joy and laughter…. they left us before passing on… And may we...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, love,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Ancestral Whispers
Ancestral Whispers In the depths of the earth, the roots of time stretch like pulsing veins, Nourishing the collective memory with the fertile essence of our past, And I, a poet wandering through forgotten eras, gather crumbs of...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Under the endless sky, where the wind whispers ancestral secrets
Under the endless sky, where the wind whispers ancestral secrets, Engines spin, iron butterflies in their primal dance, The muted thunder of wheels, an echo of the earth's hearts beating in unison, ...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Dark rainbowed wings enfold a tortured heart An oil slick presence seeping through its core As scarecrow scowls shout “oh please depart” An ocean scent drifts idly far from shore The corn has withered now the stalks but sticks Old...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, sun, winter,
Form: Sonnet
Channel Your Ancestral Power
I hope that you are inspired and uplifted by these words. Stay blessed and know that you are loved and protected. Channel your ancestral power By Michelle Morris 17/07/2023 Channel your ancestral power Feel their arms around your...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, appreciation, identity, love, native
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tartan
ancestral colours rallying the clans Culloden day trip...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, color, history,
Form: Haiku
Ancestral Lore
Have you heard Of Thomas The Rhymer It is told that I sprang from his loins Many years Long gone past Yet the tales That last Are often quietly purloined The story goes He disappeared To consort with the elfin queen He returned By and by Telling this lie to any...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, family, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In the Canyon
Distant drums voice sacred song as didgeridoo drone rings its messages to my awaiting ears; ancient ceremonies flood the canyon in tones of ancestral wisdom. Every rock or boulder resonates, crickets sing along and each cell of my being is elevated; I feel...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, dance, family, poems, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member As They Flee
As They Flee As they flee, those families Grasping onto one another, Have given up that extra valise, (All the news reporters note) To keep arms free To carry Babes and pets — The beloved of the truly Civilized — ready To leave...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, family, humanity, imagery, pets,
Form: Rhyme
Ancestral Language
A man who doesn’t love his mother tongue is worse than a rotten fish....Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, poems,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Pondering Our Ancestral Cave Men
Do you think that our ancestral cave people had dreams of cars? Did their hearts leap a bit when they stared up at stars? Would the brightest of the bright envision their family flying in the air? Can...Read the rest...
Categories: ancestral, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

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