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Funny Allegory Poems

These Funny Allegory poems are examples of Allegory poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Allegory Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Clowning around
Sometimes I'm just a clown hanging around
making others happy when I make funny sounds
Jokes they tell at school that often break the rules
Pretending to be...

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Categories: allegory, care,

Premium Member Ballad for the Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube-Man
air rockets skyward
uppercutting inside
plastic neon flesh
contorting at inhuman angles
what does my body language spell?

ankles anchored into the Earth
to stay grounded as the wave
of time and...

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Categories: allegory, anxiety, funny, life,

Grab Bag Poems
Grab Bag Poems and Epigrams


Less Heroic Couplets: Dark Cloud, Silver Lining, Dupes
from “Love in the Time of the Coronavirus”
by Michael R. Burch

Every corona has a...

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Categories: allegory, america, analogy, parody,

Funny Bunny Loves Honey Horn Haiku
in love with Bunny 
who has a taste for honey 
seeming so funny
to see pay much money
while weather is sunny...

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© James Horn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Your life
I am terrified and this is love
Resignation; this is love
Yours is fiercer than mine, less green
Pale, flowing as a riverbed and more of it
Yours is...

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Categories: absence, abuse, allegory, angel,

Poems Mumble and Stumble Horn Haiku
when my poems mumble
find words around will fumble
stupid and on would stumble

are things cat enjoys
likes playing with kitty toys
and girls with boys

while idiots will bloom

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© James Horn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Mercury and Sunshine
mercury and sunshine
will see you walking around sunset 
thought you are the ghost 
come to frighten up the children 
how on earth do ghost...

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Categories: absence, age, allah, allegory,

Premium Member Dollar Dance

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Categories: allegory, humor, money, parody,

Premium Member A New Toy
A new toy I found in the mall
for my beloved pet, 
a different toy from a ball, 
the one she loves to play with.

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Categories: allegory, best friend, blessing,

Humorous Dilemma
I consider the Doctor
     a friend who heals.
    What  about the Dentist
    who extracts...

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Categories: allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation,

No Verse
I’m dry; the muse has packed her bags,
unfriended me and left.
No rhymes have come to mind at all.
Of words I am bereft.

In need of verse,...

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Categories: allegory, funny, poetry, writing,

Premium Member Rhyme
I have told you so many times
I'm starting to get good at these rhymes 
I'm the master of of the pen
Since I can't remember when

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Categories: allegory,

Talking Parrot
to talking parrot
depends on  owners culture 
to speak well, badly......

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Categories: allegory, allusion, analogy, funny,

Premium Member I'M the Man - In Trump's Own Words
I will very very probably do it again
Anyone who knows me and has a brain
Can see that Biden's old and lame
Now's the time to reignite...

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Categories: allegory, confidence, humorous, parody,

Premium Member 28 Words Unspent
28 Words Unspent
David J Walker

Each first verse
Within the confines 
Of the wind 
and time

a single chime
	with no interpretation 

Each middle verse 

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Categories: allegory,

Book: Shattered Sighs