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Ailerons Poems - Poems about Ailerons

Ailerons Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ailerons to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ailerons.

Colors In the Sky
...As dawn peeps in through the mountains, Morning sky mirrors reddish orange fountains. Doves wake up with cheerful coos; Is it their way to gear up for facing worldly ruse? These epitomes of peace......Read the rest...
Categories: ailerons, beautiful, color, emotions, flying,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Blooming May Birthdays
...Around us see May flowers, all in bloom Let's gleefully start to shed Pandemic gloom There's much less need to give each other lots and lots of room Because no longer must we meet - if at all - ......Read the rest...
Categories: ailerons, birthday, encouraging, happy birthday,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Cora's Clothesline
...What softness in silence amidst the cacophony of a spin cycle world war. Lying next to your glow in sleep's stillness, careful of your bandaged hand. Watching your breath enter and leave, the rise ......Read the rest...
Categories: ailerons, desire, heart, innocence, june,
Form: Narrative
An Angel's Torrent
...Halcyon harp, dry the cloud's tears on Earth. Don't let its torrent break your strumming strings. Let your hymn preserve my frail ailerons. Notice how much a prayer's whimper brings. Hallel......Read the rest...
Categories: ailerons, angel, christian, hope, rain,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Peerless
...We would sleep oft as light as a flagging breeze, eyes dry and smarting; with minds ill at ease..' Our lives then the currency to pay your dues, who would return from our sorties? we had not a clu......Read the rest...
Categories: ailerons, memory, war,
Form: Rhyme

...Muslin ailerons Rotaries propelling death Fokker’s winged furry By Robb A. Kopp......Read the rest...
Categories: ailerons, adventure, history
Form: Senryu

Book: Reflection on the Important Things