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50 Age Poems

These 50 Age poems are examples of Age poems about 50. These are the best examples of Age 50 poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Fifty
Turning 50 is a feeling and not an amount of years I've made it...

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Categories: age,

A civil war ferociously raged
A civil war ferociously raged...

within complex edifice...
derelict hulking corpse delineated courtesy
seared, singed, smoldered smithereens
formerly robust warrior
slain during prime of his life
heavenly corporeal outstanding entity
subjected to...

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Categories: age, america, angst, anxiety,

Becoming our Parents, Take it Easy
My mother and father never wavered in their routine. After each one of my siblings sprang into life, my father sat on the porch and...

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Categories: age, family,

Growing Up
I'm still confused about growing up.
What, when, why, and how
Are we talking about maturity?
Naturally, it starts with a womb. I mean, growing up.
You should understand...

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Categories: age, appreciation, encouraging, forgiveness,

Nirvana T-Shirt
I mop the floor every night at the local convenience store. 
Graveyard shift.
A teenage girl walks in wearing a Nirvana t-shirt.
She’s pretty ... and she...

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Categories: age,

Half a Dozen Plus Years Ago the Following Became a Near Reality
Half a dozen plus years ago the following became a near reality

Countdown to homelessness – 
mars this earthlinked sole Harris - son
panhandler would would register...

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Categories: age, america, anger, angst,

Premium Member Love Is Enough For Us
In the hot A-Ga-Ming night
My wife and I skip the July 4th fireworks
At the sandbar down south on long Torch Lake

Start our own shoreline fire


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Categories: age, love, marriage, moving

Premium Member Our Life-Kuhlmann a Sonnet
Through Age: leaves, weather, birds: 

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: age, analogy, appreciation, life,

A Woman's Lot
A Woman’s lot!

Not yet 50 - well nearly - but not yet!
But I would never have bet
That this would be the year
That would start to...

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© Jo Young  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: age, anger, anxiety, memory,

Powering Down
"Your very Mature for your age" 
What does the mean?
Why do I have to be mature to make friends
my description label is on my back...

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Categories: 10th grade, age, angst,

Premium Member He Calls Me California
"When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it happened or not; but my faculties are decaying, now, & soon I shall be so...

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Categories: age, love, memory,

So You Say Your Turning Twenty-One Years Old (Rap-Lyric) (Contest)
so you say
your turning
twenty-one years old

Hootie Hoo!
happy birthday

and you want
some advice
on the game
of life
so you don't

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Categories: age, anxiety, betrayal, dark,

So You Say Your Turning Twenty-One Years Old Rap-Lyric Contes
so you say
your turning
twenty-one years old

Hootie Hoo!
happy birthday

and you want
some advice
on the game
of life
so you don't
get played

okay! baby
you know
you just came
to the wrong

so this is...

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Categories: age, america, anti bullying,

Premium Member Fifty Forever
When you were a young-un 
With your whole life ahead of you
It's hard to imagine
Life ever coming to an end
But it does my friends... it...

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Categories: age,

Dead End Senorita
Wanna hang ? 
-I might go , 
Busted car 
-Still there’s hope 
-I don’t know ...
Meet my crib 
-Try once more 
Jumping bones ?...

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Categories: age, america, boy, emotions,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things