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Winter Storm

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Flashes of lightning at dusk in dark dank distant clouds heralds the storm brewing. So far, its too far away to hear or feel the claps of thunder rattle the windows in their frames. The storm engulfs the sky in spewed splodges of dark ferment as it draws ever onward on the path towards you. It embezzles your attention, sucks you in, as the flashes rear up, like a wolf with white teeth snarling, getting ready to attack. The storm is closer now flashing, banging, barging its way to fill the sky with foreboding torment, anger and gloom. Its overhead now, dropping its hail like cluster bombs, banging on the roof, trying to shatter the windows. The sky is filled with whip-cracks and blinding flashes of light as it builds to a cosmic kaleidoscopic crescendo. The wind builds to a snarl, blowing the storm away like a parent scolding and grabbing at a naughty child. The storm moves away with fading, spluttering flashes and murmuring grunts of thunder. Outside the eerie sunset scrubbed clean by the storm is tinged bright with shudders of lightning light and the haunting smell of rain emitted by the grass, splattered with hail, white, bright and melting.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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