So many times I would think of your feelings without my feelings coming before hand
I would think of the hurt you go through before I think I the feelings that I have to
undergo at your expense
When I think of things like this I try so hard to hold back the tears
And I try with intensity to think of a way to get past what I feel inside that I can’t
come out and say in the open
Despite the many times I was just fed up with it, I never said what I felt
I never said a word about it and the secret is what in my mind I kept
Why is it that my feelings have to change b/c of you?
Why is it that I have to be silent when I know that I can’t hide my feelings?
I understand that you will never change and I’ve come to accept the simple facts as well
Things seem so mixed up and there are things I do regret
I regret that I let myself fall in love and you did also
I regret having the feelings
And thinking that your feelings will change
I regret and I’m sad to say that I still feel the same.
These are the questions I have to say,
Why do you do this to me?
And why does it hurt so badly?
Copyright © Loagan Friday | Year Posted 2005
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