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Wholesome New Girl

The new girl was wholesome, old-fashioned, and loving. We were intimidated by her open spirit and cunning. She rode around town on a bike followed by birds and bees. Trying to make friends with everybody. Good grief! Oh, please! What is her name? Someone asked. Who cares? I said. She has a dog in her basket, look, he has a tiny bed! I did not want to like her. I was determined to not actually. But she threw me a compliment, which completely changed me. I was suddenly following her, as were robins, and wrens. We all wanted a piece of her, to be her friends! She gave out such marvelous vibes, she was wholesome and fun! Now thank goodness, as far as friends go, she calls me one.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 1/1/2023 10:21:00 AM
A wonderful write. Never judge a book by it's cover or a person. It can cost one a good friend. Blessings....................
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 1/1/2023 8:29:00 PM
I try not to but it is hard sometimes

Book: Shattered Sighs