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Which One Is Me

Six ballerinas on their toes waiting for curtain drop, five of them are female and one male dressed as a ballerina, I mingled among them in tutu,find which one is me! © kashinath karmakar ========================================= By:kashinath karmakar (5th April 2011,photo based)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 5/24/2011 4:21:00 AM
A fun write...playing games with the mind of the reader! Well done! Regards, Robert.
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Date: 4/6/2011 7:14:00 AM
hehe Kash this had me laughing out loud here, wishing you all the best with this witty Sijo :D
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Date: 4/6/2011 1:18:00 AM
haha you got me snickering here, Kashinath ;) very witty Sijo you have here --enjoyed the twist here ;)-- & I just read Andrea's comments below-- I definitely love her entry for Michael's contest, what a sweetie she is :)
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Date: 4/5/2011 10:42:00 PM
kash, here I am half an hour past the deadline I set for myself tonight and saw your comment as I decided to go off. Thanks for your comment and I await another new poem from you! The old shoulder burning again. haha. Luv, Andrea
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Date: 4/5/2011 5:26:00 PM
How clever Kashinath.. a different take on the photo and one that stands out luv.. good luck in the contest sure Rick will enjoy immensely..luv.. perfection to me...
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Date: 4/5/2011 5:20:00 PM
LOL Now that's a great "spin" on the contest, Kash!! Love it! Wishing you success (and I'll try to figure out which of the ballerinas is you). Love, Carolyn
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Date: 4/5/2011 3:12:00 PM
hahaha, Kash, this is so great how you are showing your sense of humor here. I love this one for being different and so cute. wEll, I did not get much done here because I took half my time to type and post my newest poem here. I hope Nikko likes it. She is so easy to write about! Luv, andrea
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Date: 4/5/2011 2:31:00 PM
Ohhh, very humorous and nice approach to the theme of the picture, enjoyed your interpretation,kashinath
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Date: 4/5/2011 2:14:00 PM
yayyy, kashi.. you gassed me up! delicious..:) huggs, nette
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Date: 4/5/2011 11:47:00 AM
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Date: 4/5/2011 11:46:00 AM
Cute ...Good luck in the contest..Enjoyed reading this afternoon..Sara
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Book: Shattered Sighs