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Well, Thats Not What I Meant To Write

Wow. Just. Wow. It’s three and I’m thirty Clear, Then brown. Is five shots in five dirty? The party has long been over, My first breath happens on the 28th. A date while saying “red rover, red rover” I can’t say I thought I’d make: I had no faith. Life has been…fun! I can say through gritted teeth As I remember, from drunken breath, “Run!” And being overshadowed by a Christmas wreath. But honestly…I’m happy, it’s nice where I finally am now. A wife, two cats, and friends who make the day special somehow. Birthdays mean nothing most of the time, or at least not for me But this year I was excited and I let the excitement be. I cooked some things that were interesting, that I’ve never tried, Blueberry beef and chicken, and potatoes that I let get on the dry side. Strawberry rhubarb chicken and rice Which sounds weird but turned out quite nice. And then we just chilled and hung out til the time was just right. The best part though? There was no drama, no fight. I can almost see Ten year me. Sitting near Trembling in fear. Not knowing if we can do another day, Wishing me now could reach through and say “Mijo, it’s okay, I know it hurts, I know you feel you won’t ever rise from this dirt, But give me time, I’m on my way, And we will find our brighter day.”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 12/29/2022 2:48:00 AM
feliz cumpleaños and a wish for many happy more. And when you get older like me, perhaps you'll long to buy a piece of land and return to playing in the dirt - alive, close to nature, close to God :-)
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J. Avatar
Jonathan J.
Date: 12/29/2022 7:31:00 PM
Thank you! And I already love playing in the dirt. Maybe it’ll grow further. :)

Book: Shattered Sighs