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Traffic Jam

Sitting on the soft cushion seat Start of turtle movement The advert on the bus Is the only catchy appeal The drumming of the engine The grunting of the taxi Dusk getting crisp Dull glow of the sun The glance at the sky With a wish to fly The buttocks begin to get sore I see my finger nails Then back to the next lane I feel my eyes burn A long ribbon of taillights flashing The next lane is fast moving Taxi driver snoring The turtle movement Develops anxiety Feeling thirsty Phone rings Good news Another party Feeling oozy Glazing outside the window Another turtle movement Nerves rest - feet asleep With an effort Feet wake up Anxiety rising - start to walk

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 9/7/2013 8:41:00 PM
CONGRATULATIONS BHAVNA, on having your poem featured on the soups Home Page. Love ~SKAT~
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Date: 9/7/2013 4:54:00 PM
Bhavna, Congratulations on your Featured Poem of the week. Nice seeing your poem on the front page... always~ Linda :-)
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Date: 5/14/2013 10:23:00 AM
Enjoyed reading your piece. Congrats on your membership renewal!
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Bhavna Khemlani
Date: 8/13/2013 10:55:00 AM
Thank you

Book: Reflection on the Important Things